Matura USTNA

Poziom podstawowy

E – egzaminator
S – uczeń zdający

Uzyskiwanie informacji

Jesteś w Londynie i otrzymałeś informacje o organizacji ekologicznej, która poszukuje wolontariuszy do sadzenia drzew w parku niedaleko miejsca, w którym mieszkasz.

  • Dowiedz się, jakie warunki musi spełniać wolontariusz i czy możesz się zgłosić.
  • Zapytaj o czas i miejsce spotkania.
  • Zapytaj, jakie ubranie i przyrządy będą Ci ewentualnie potrzebne.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący

E: How can I help you, sir?
S: I’ve just come across the information about your organization that is planning to plant some trees in the park in my neighborhood. I’d like to volunteer.
E: What would you like to know?
S: First of all, I’d like to know when and where exactly is the action taking place?
E: We start at 9 o’clock on Sunday in the southern part of the park.
S: May I join the action then? I am avail­able on Sunday? Or maybe there are some conditions I should comply with? Do I need any special equipment?
E: There is only one condition: you have to bring your own gardening gloves and appropriate shoes.
S: Great, I’ll be there, Sunday at 9.
E: Don’t be late, see you on Sunday!

Polecono ci dobrą restaurację, zadzwoń tam i dowiedz się:

  • czy przyjmowane są zamówienia na dania na wynos,
  • jakie dania wegetariańskie są oferowane,
  • czy zawsze przed przyjściem należy rezerwować stolik.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E:Aquiera restaurant, how can I help you?
S:Hello, I’d like to receive some information on your restaurant. May I ask you some questions?
E:Certainly, madam.
S:First, I would like to know whether it is possible to order a take away meal from your restaurant.
E:I’m afraid, it’s not.
S:It’s not, OK. What about vegetarian dishes on your menu, are there any?
E:Yes, of course we have vegetarian dishes, starting with appetizers and ending with desserts.
S:Oh, that’s great. I have one more question to end with. Do I always have to book a table in advance before coming?
E:Yes, I’m afraid you have to madam. We are one of the most popular restaurants in town.
S:You’ve been very helpful, thank you.
E:My pleasure.

Chcesz wymienić płytę główną w komputerze, masz kłopoty, ponieważ po umieszczeniu nowej płyty w komputerze ten nie działa.

  • Poproś sprzedawcę, żeby Ci doradził.
  • Opisz krok po kroku, jak to zrobiłeś.
  • Opowiedz, gdzie pojawia się problem.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E: Hello. How can I help you?
S: Hi. I have bought a new motherboard for my computer and would like to insert it into my computer. Do you think you could tell me how to do it step by step? I have already removed the old one iserted the new one but it doesn’t work.
E: Certainly, sir. But first of all could you describe how did you do it?
S: Of course. I have removed the old moterboard, added the processor and the memory to the new one and fited it into the computer.
E: And is the new motherboard compatibile with your computer?
S: Yes, I bought it at your store; you were the one that advised me which one to chose.
E: OK. And you did change the memory and the processor gently and carefully remembering about the contacts?
S: I did it for the first time in my life, I don’t know wether it was gently and carefully.
E: I see. And the computer doesn’t want to start?
S: That’s right.
E: I’m afraid you should bring your pc here so we could take a closer look at it.

Kolega prosi cię o poradę dotyczącą jego współlokatora.

  • Wysłuchaj jego skargi.
  • Postaraj się udzielić mu kilku rad.
  • Opisz, co ty byś zrobił w takiej sytuacji.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E: I really need your advice. My room mate is really getting me down. He leaves his dirty clothes around our room but what is worse he sometimes even borrows my clean ones without asking. I have tried everything talking, threatening but the situation remains the same. I’m tired with these everyday arguments.
S: If I were you, I would look for a different room. Living with him just makes you more and more nervous.
E: Yes, but it’s not so easy to find a new room.
S: I’ll help you and ask some people, maybe they know something.
E: OK, it would be great.
S: Meanwhile, think about installing a lock on your wardrobe. It should stop him from using your clothes.
E: What about his dirty wardrobe?
S: Just put it into a rubbish bin, he should understand the suggestion.

Chcesz rozdawać ulotki szkoły językowej. Zostałeś zaproszony na spotkanie informacyjne, zapytaj się sekretarki danej szkoły o warunki pracy. Poproś ją, aby:

  • powiedziała, ile godzin dziennie musisz roznosić ulotki,
  • opisała, w jakim miejscu masz to robić,
  • powiedziała, jaką stawkę za godzinę pracy otrzymasz.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminowany.

S: Good morning, I’m here for the information meeting.
E: Hello. You are the one for giving out the leaflets.
S: That’s correct. I would like to ask you some questions.
E: O.K. I’m here to answer them.
S: First of all, how many hours a day do I have to give out the leaflets?
E: Well, that depends on how much money do you want to earn. The school politics says that minimum four a day.
S: That is not so long, and where do I have to do it?
E: We have three spots in the city centre: in front of the cinema in Main Street, outside the undergtound and outside the mall.
S: And I have to stand in one of those places?
E: Yes, you should choose one of them, so we could work out the schedule.
S: My last question is how much do you pay per hour.
E: We offer 6 PLN per hour. Are you interested?
S: Yes, I am.
E: O.K. so let’s go through some details.

Chcesz zwiedzić wystawę. Zapytaj przewodnika:

  • Gdzie masz pójść, aby dotrzeć na wystawę?
  • Co możesz na niej zobaczyć, czy będą tam Twoi ulubieni malarze?
  • Gdzie możesz kupić bilet?

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: Hello, how can I help you?
S: Hello. I would like to buy two tickets for an exhibition that presents impressionism painters.
E: Here you are. It’s 4 pounds 50 pence.
S: Thank you very much. Could you tell me where the exhibition is? Where should I go?
E: Go upstairs and then turn right. Go straight the corridor as far as you see a big logo of the exhibition.
S: Thank you. I would like to see especially Vincent van Gogh paintings. And Monet. Are their paintings shown on this exhibition?
E: To the best of my knowledge, there are some paintings by van Gogh and Monet. But you will see many more and as well interesting as these two artists’.
S: Thank you very much.
E: You’re welcome. Have a nice time.

Chcesz kupić dżinsy:

  • Opisz sprzedawcy, jakich spodni szukasz.
  • Dowiedz się, czy jest model, o którym myślisz.
  • Zapytaj, gdzie możesz je przymierzyć i ile kosztują.

E: What can I do for you?
S: I’m looking for some trousers.
E: Jeans or cuordroys?
S: Jeans, definitelly.
E: What shape are you thinking about?
S: I’d like to buy flared dark blue denim jeans. Do you have something like that?
E: Of course, let me show you few pairs.
S: This pair looks interesting, do you have it in size 28.
E: Let me check… here you go, size 28, dark blue.
S: May I try them on?
E: Certainly, the dressing rooms are over there.
S: And how much are they?
E: They’re $ 40.
S: Great, thank you.


Wyjechałeś na weekend, chcesz wynająć pokój w hostelu dla studentów.

  • Poproś recepcjonistę o pokój.
  • Zapytaj, co wliczone jest w cenę pokoju.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

E: Hello. How can I help you?
S: Hi. I would like one single room.
E: Certainly, how many nights are you staying?
S: Only two. Are the rooms with bed and breakfast service?
E: Unfortunately we don’t serve meals here.
S: Oh, I see.
E: Would you like a room with a bathroom or would you share bathroom with other guests?
S: Preferably with a bathroom, but tell me what is the difference in price?
E: The one with a bathroom is 30 euro, the one without is 20.
S: I’ll take the one with the bathroom. Could you tell me when do I have to leave the room on Sunday?
E: At 12 o’clock.
S: O.K.
E: Single room with bathroom for two nights, could you fill in this form?
S: Sure.
E: Thank you, that’ll be 60 euro paid now.
S: Here it is.
E: Room number 105, first floor.
S: Thank you.


Zostajesz zaproszony na przejęcie urodzinowe do kolegi. Dowiedz się:

  • o której godzinie i gdzie się ono odbędzie,
  • jaki strój obowiązuje i czy możesz iść z osobą towarzyszącą,
  • jaki prezent chciałby dostać kolega.

E: Patric, would you come to my birthday party?
S: Sure.
E: Great!
S: Tell me what time and where?
E: At my place, on Saturday. We start at seven.
S: OK, any dress code?
E: Not especially, dress casually.
S: Great, may I take my gal with me?
E: Sure man.
S: One more thing. What should we get you? Any wishes?
E: Just come and it’ll be great.
S: OK, see you on Saturday than.
E: See you. Bye.


Zachorowałeś, będąc u wujostwa w Londynie. Ciocia dała ci tabletki i syrop.

  • Zapytaj, jak często masz przyjmować tabletki.
  • Zapytaj, co ile godzin masz pić syrop.
  • Upewnij się, że usprawiedliwiła Twoją nieobecność w szkole językowej.

E: You had a question to me?
S: That’s right. It’s about the medicine you gave me for my cold.
E: What about it?
S: When should I take the pills before or after meals?
E: Try to remember taking them after meals and take them every eighth hour.
S: Right. And the syrup how many spoons should I take?
E: Take one spoonful every fourth hour. Try not to overdose it.
S: Great, thanks.
E: Better go to bed and stay there until your temperature drops to normal.
S: Will do, thanks for the advice, auntie. Did you give my excuse note to the teacher at school explaining I have a cold?
E: Sure, she hopes you’ll get well soon.


Twój kolega chce zostać członkiem organizacji ekolo­gicz­nej, do której należysz.

  • Opowiedz mu, jakie warunki musi spełnić kandydat.
  • Poinformuj go, kiedy odbywają się spotkania członków.
  • Zapytaj, czy po tym, czego się dowiedział, nadal jest zainteresowany.

S: I heard that you want to join us, is it true?
E: Yes, but I know little about the organization. Could you give me some details, please?
S: Sure. We meet once a month, in our school, to discus current matters, think about our plan of work for that given month and distribute information. If there is a need, we sometimes meet on Thursdays. Our group is open to new members and we would happily welcome you.
E: I’m not convinced that I’m the right person for your organization.
S: You just have to be aware what is happening around as far as caring about the environment is concerned. You should have the internal feeling that not everything is the way it should, be open – minded and of course pay the obligatory fee of 20 zlotych a year.
E: 20 zlotych is not much.
S: It’s true and you can make the world better with us. What do you think?


Twój kolega był nieobecny na zajęciach z kultury krajów anglosaskich i prosi cię o streszczenie zajęć.

  • Opowiedz mu, jaki temat był omawiany.
  • Poinformuj go, jaka jest praca domowa.
  • Zaproponuj pomoc, gdyby miał problemy ze zrozu­mie­niem tematu.

E: I was absent last time, what did you do?
S: We had something on the British political system.
E: That sounds boring and difficult.
S: Don’t say anything, I’m not keen on politics either. But to tell you the truth it wasn’t so bad. We had to read some articles on monarchy and supporting Parliament. The teacher gave us some information on the House of Commons and Representatives.
E: Do you have any notes that I could borrow.
S: Sure, I can bring them tomorrow.
E: Great, thanks. Is there any homework?
S: Unfortunately there is, we have to make a note on the party system in Britain. Luckily it doesn’t have to be long.
E: O.K. this I can handle.

Jesteś w Londynie. Chcesz iść do teatru. Dowiedz się:

  • Kiedy grają przedstawienie, które chcesz zobaczyć.
  • Jaka jest możliwość rezerwacji miejsca.
  • 0 cenę biletu.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: How can I help you?
S: Could you tell me when you stage ’Hello, Dolly’ at the weekend?
E: On Fridays and Sundays always at 7 p.m.
S: Great! Can I book two tickets forthe Friday play? E: The balcony orthe ground floor?
S: What is the difference in price?
E: The balcony is only 15 pounds for students. And the ground floor is 20.
S: O.K., I will take two at the balcony, please.

Polecono Ci dobrą restaurację, zadzwoń tam i dowiedz się:

  • czy przyjmowane są zamówienia na wynos,
  • jakie dania wegetariańskie są oferowane,
  • czy zawsze przed przyjściem należy rezerwować stolik.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E: Aquiera restaurant, how can I help you?
S: Hello, I’d like to receive some information on your restaurant. May I ask you some questions?
E: Certainly, madam.
S: First, I would like to know whether it is possible to order a take away meal from your restaurant.
E: I’m afraid, it’s not.
S: It’s not, OK. What about vegetarian dishes on your menu, are there any?
E: Yes, of course we have vegetarian dishes, starting with appetizers and ending with desserts.
S: Oh, that’s great. I have one more question to end with. Do I always have to book a table in advance before coming?
E: Yes, I’m afraid you have to madam. We are one of the most popular restaurants in town.
S: You’ve been very helpful, thank you.
E: My pleasure.

Jesteś w Londynie, kupiłeś sofę i chcesz, aby dostarczono Ci ją do domu, w którym się zatrzymałeś.

  • Zapytaj, w jakim terminie będzie ona dostarczona.
  • Podaj swój adres.
  • Dowiedz się, ile będzie Cię to kosztowało.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E: How can I help you?
S: I would like to have my sofa delivered to my house, could you help me with arranging the details of delivery?
E: Certainly.
S: First of all, I need this sofa as soon as possible, could it be delivered tomorrow?
E: I’m afraid not. We will be able to deliver in not sooner than the day after tomorrow.
S: It’s a pity, but if it’s the only option what can I do. At what time will it be delivered?
E: Would you prefer to have it delivered in the morning or in the afternoon?
S: Morning sounds good to me.
E: Is nine o’clock OK?
S: Yes, it’s fine. How much will it cost?
E: It depends on how far from the store you live.
S: I live in South Acton, 20 Main Street.
E: So it will cost around £ 20, cash on delivery.
S: That’s great. I’ll be waiting the day after tomorrow at nine o’clock, thank you.


Idziesz do apteki, planując kupić kilka leków bez recepty, ponieważ jesteś przeziębiony.

  • Poproś aptekarza, żeby Ci doradził.
  • Opisz objawy przeziębienia.
  • Opowiedz o Twoich domowych spo­so­bach leczenia.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E: Hallo. How can I help you?
S: Hallo. I have got cold and so I would like to buy some medicines which I do not need prescriptions for. Do you think you could help me?
E: Certainly, sir. But first of all could you describe me the symptoms, ple­ase?
S: Of course. I have a headache and a lit­tle temperature in the evening. I also have a running nose and a sore throat. I swe­at a lot and I have problems with concentration. Today I started co­ughing a bit too.
E: What do you usually take in such si­tu­ation?
S: I take vitamin C and gripex and I also drink some hot milk with honey and gar­lic.
E: That’s sensible. I will give a cough sy­rup as well, some aspirin for your tem­pe­ra­tu­re and a vitamin C. Keep warm!
S: Thank you. Bye!


Jesteś w sklepie sportowym. Chcesz kupić rower górski.

  • Zapytaj o dane techniczne: rama, prze­rzutki.
  • Dowiedz się, czy ma gwarancję.
  • Dowiedz się, ile będzie Cię to kosztowało.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E: Hello, how can I help you?
S: I would like to buy a mountain bike, but I am a beginner. Could you recommend me one of these here?
E: Certainly, this one is very good.
S: Does it have a light crossbar?
E: Yes, it is a very light bike, made of alloy.
S: What about gears, how many of them does it have?
E: It has 6 on the rear gear and 3 levels on the front gear, it is enough for beginners.
S: What about the lights and the saddle?
E: It has the rear light and a big front light. And the saddle is tough but very comfortable.
S: How long is the guarantee for?
E: For 2 years. And if something is wrong you can always come to one of our service spots and we will fix it for you for free.
S: That is nice. How much does it cost then?
E: 2500 pounds, but if you are a student you have got 10% discount.
S: I am a student. OK, I will have it then, thank you for your help.
E: No problem.


Masz nowego współlokatora w akademiku, wytłumacz mu:

  • jakie reguły obowiązują,
  • gdzie są najważniejsze pomieszczenia,
  • poproś go o numer jego komórki na wszelki wypadek.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hi, I am new. Can you show me around?
S: No problem. This is your bed and the shelves above the table can also belong to you. The bathroom and the toilets are just round the comer and the launderette is in the basement. At the end of the corridor there is the kitchen. The living room with TV and Intemet is On the third floor.
E: What are the rules to obey?
S: You have to be here for night before I 1 pm. They sometimes check the rooms if there are no drugs or alcohol so better do not bring stuff like that to our room. By the way, can I have your mobile number?
‘ust in case.
E: No problem, here you are.


Znalazłeś ogłoszenie na tablicy w szkole z informacją, że ktoś szuka osoby, aby dzielić z nią pokój. Zadzwoń i dowiedz się:

  • w której części miasta jest ten pokój,
  • jakie jest jego wyposażenie i jak jest duży,
  • ile kosztuje jego wynajęcie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Hello, I have found an advertisement on school ad board about a room to share. Could you, please, give me some information?
E: Of course. What do you want to know?
S: First of all in which part of the city is the flat, how big it is, and what are the facilities in the room?
E: It’s in the Main Street just in the city centre, so you would have to take a bus to go to school. It’s a 18 square metres room with a bed at each side. The room has its own bathroom and small fridge.
S: How much is the rent then?
E: It’s only 25 pounds per week. Are you still interested?
S: Yes, the description sounds great.


W najbliższy weekend chcesz wybrać się do klubu. Podczas przerwy w zajęciach zapytaj znajomego londyńczyka o:

  • dobre kluby w Londynie,
  • gdzie znajduje się najlepszy klub,
  • możliwość dojazdu do niego.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: I would like to have fun this weekend, could tell me something about the clubs I could go to in London.
E: Great maybe we could go together.
I know a few good clubs and discos.
S: Could you recommend me one with good music?
E: The one I like most is called Hell and it is near Paddington. They play really great music there.
S: How can I get there?
E: You can take the tube. It will take you straight to the Paddington Station, close to the club.
S: Thank you very much for your help.

Idziesz ulicą i w witrynie sklepu z ubraniami widzisz ogłoszenie o pracę. Jesteś zainteresowany ofertą.

  • Zapytaj o rodzaj pracy.
  • Zainteresuj się, jaka liczbę godzin tygodniowo musiałbyś pracować.
  • Dowiedz się, ile wynosi wynagrodzenie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Good morning. I saw your advertisement. I’m looking for a temporary, part-time job. What kind of job are you offering?
E: I am looking for somebody who could stand behind the counter in the mornings and take care of the stuff. Are you still interested?
S: Yes, I am. I study at an evening school so working in the morning is a perfect option for me. How many hours a week you think I would have to work and what time would I start?
E: I think about twenty hours. I open at 10 a.m. and you would finish at 2 p.m.
S: And what would be my wage?
E: Around 100 pounds a week.


Jesteś w Nowym Jorku, kupiłeś biurko i chcesz, aby dostarczono ci je do domu, w którym się zatrzymałeś.

  • Zapytaj, w jakim terminie będzie ono dostarczone.
  • Podaj swój adres.
  • Dowiedz się, ile będzie Cię to kosztowało.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E: How can I help you?
S: I would like to have my desk delivered to my flat as soon as possible. Could you help me with arranging the details of delivery?
E: Certainly.
S: Could it be delivered today or tomorrow?
E: I’m afraid not. We will be able to deliver in not sooner than the day after tomorrow.
S: It’s a pity, but if it’s the only option what can I do. At what time will it be delivered?
E: Would you prefer to have it delivered in the morning or in the afternoon?
S: Morning sounds good to me.
E: Is ten o’clock OK?
S: Yes, it’s fine. How much will it cost?
E: It depends on how far from the store you live.
S: I live on Staten Island, 50 Fort Street.
E: So it will cost around $25, cash on delivery.
S: That’s great. I’ll be waiting the day after tomorrow at ten o’clock, thank you.


Mieszkasz w internacie, w najbliższy weekend odwiedza Cię rodzina, chcesz wybrać się z nią na obiad do dobrej, ale nie drogiej restauracji. Podczas przerwy w zajęciach zapytaj znajomego Londyńczyka o:

  • dobre i niedrogie restauracje w Londynie,
  • możliwość dojazdu do jednej z nich.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: My family is coming this weekend, and so I was wondering if you could recommend me a good restaurant, I could take them to in London.
E: Wow, family dinner, it sounds serious.
S: Oh, it’s nothing special.
E: I know few good restaurants with cheap food and friendly atmosphere in the centre.
S: Could you recommend me one?
E: Sure, but what kind of food is your family in to?
S: I think that most of us like European food.
E: Great, I know a great Italian place. It’s called “A modo mio” and it’s near King Cross Station. They serve great pizzas and pastas there.
S: How can I get there?
E: You can take 234 bus from the stop outside our school. It will take you straight to the centre, very close to King Cross.
S: Thank you very much for your help.


Masz nowego współlokatora w akademiku:

  • wytłumacz mu, jakie reguły obowiązują,
  • gdzie są najważniejsze pomieszczenia,
  • poproś o numer jego komórki, na wszelki wypadek.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hi, I am new. Can you show me around?
S: No problem. This is your bed and the shelves above the table can also belong to you. The bathroom and the toilets are just round the corner and the launderette is in the basement. At the end of the corridor there is the kitchen. The living room with TV and Internet is on the third floor.
E: What are the rules to obey?
S: You have to be here for night before 11 pm. They sometimes check the rooms if there are no drugs or alcohol so better do not bring stuff like that to our room. By the way, can I have your mobile number? Just in case.
E: No problem, here you are.


Polecono Ci restaurację, zadzwoń tam i dowiedz się, czy:

  • przyjmowane są zamówienia na dania na wynos,
  • jakie dania wegetariańskie są oferowane,
  • czy zawsze przed przyjściem należy rezerwować stolik.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminujący.

E: Santorini restaurant, how can I help you?
S: Hello, I’d like to know whether it is possible to order a take away meal from your restaurant.
E: I’m afraid, it’s not.
S: It’s not, OK. What about vegetarian dishes on your menu, are there any? I’ve heard that Greek restaurant specialize in meat.
E: Yes, of course we have vegetarian dishes, starting with appetizers and ending with desserts.
S: Oh, that’s great. I have one more question to end with sir. Should I always book a table in advance before coming?
E: Yes, I’m afraid it’s recommended, madam. We are one of the most popular restaurants in town.
S: You’ve been very helpful, sir, thank you.
E: My pleasure.

Kolega prosi Cię o poradę dotyczącą jego współlokatorki.

  • Wysłuchaj jego skargi.
  • Postaraj się udzielić mu kilku rad.
  • Opisz, co Ty byś zrobił w takiej sytuacji.

E: I really need your advice. My room mate is making me crazy. She shouts to her cell phone all the time not minding she might be disturbing me. I‘ve already tried to talk to her but it seems she has forgotten all about our conversation.
S: If I were you, I would look for a different room. Living with her is just unhealthy. Meanwhile try to make her life as miserable as possible. Try playing music loudly whenever she answers the phone.
E: That’s a bit too extreme, but I’ll certainly look around for a new place.
S: I can ask few friends if they know something.


Znajomy Anglik przyjeżdża na tydzień do Twojego miasta. Chce miło spędzić czas. Poinformuj go o:

  • dobrych, niedrogich restauracjach,
  • modnych klubach i koncertach,
  • ciekawych spektaklach lub wystawach.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: I wonder how I could spend my week here.
S: There are a lot of good restaurants in my city. Take my advice and go to Santorini. I like this place because it has good food and reasonable prices.
E: What shall I do in the evening?
S: In the evening you could go to the Remont. The atmosphere is excellent and music is great. You might also go to the theatre. They’re performing Hamlet with an exceptional cast.


Przechodząc ulicą, widzisz ogłoszenie o pracę wywieszone w witrynie sklepu z ubraniami. Jesteś zainteresowany ofertą. Zapytaj:

  • o rodzaj pracy;
  • o liczbę godzin tygodniowo;
  • ile wynosi wynagrodzenie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Good morning. I saw your advertisement. I’m looking for a temporary, part-time job. What kind of job are you offering?
E: I am looking for somebody who could stand behind the counter in the mornings and take care of the stuff. Are you still interested?
S: Yes, I am. I study at an evening school so working in the morning is a perfect option for me. How many hours a week you think I would have to work and what time would I start?
E: I think about twenty hours. I open at 10 am and you would finish at 2 pm.
S: And what would be my wage?
E: Around 100 pounds a week.


Chcesz rozdawać ulotki szkoły językowej. Zostałeś zaproszony na spotkanie informacyjne, zapytaj się sekretarki danej szkoły o warunki pracy. Poproś ją, aby:

  • powiedziała, ile godzin dziennie musisz roznosić ulotki,
  • opisała, w jakim miejscu masz to robić,
  • powiedziała, jaką stawkę za godzinę pracy otrzymasz.

Rozmowę rozpocznie egzaminator.

S: Good morning, I’m here for the information meeting.
E: Hello. You are the one for giving out the leaflets.
S: That’s correct. I would like to ask you some questions.
E: OK. I’m here to answer them.
S: First of all, how many hours a day do I have to give out the leaflets?
E: Well, that depends on how much money do you want to earn. The school politics says that minimum four a day.
S: That is not so long, and where do I have to do it?
E: We have three spots in the city centre: in front of the cinema in Main Street, outside the undergtound and outside the mall.
S: And I have to stand in one of those places?
E: Yes, you should choose one of them, so we could work out the schedule.
S: My last question is how much do you pay per hour.
E: We offer 6 zlotys per hour. Are you interested?
S: Yes, I am.
E: OK, so let’s go through some details.

Znalazłeś ogłoszenie na tablicy w szkole z informacją, że ktoś szuka osoby, aby dzielić z nią pokój. Zadzwoń i dowiedz się:

  • w której części miasta jest ten pokój,
  • jakie jest jego wyposażenie i jak jest duży,
  • ile kosztuje jego wynajęcie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Hello, I have found an advertisement on school ad board about a room to share. Could you, please, give me some information?
E: Of course. What do you want to know?
S: First of all in which part of the city is the flat, how big it is, and what are the facilities in the room?
E: It’s in the Main Street just in the city centre, so you would have to take a bus to go to school. It’s a 18 square metres room with a bed at each side. The room has its own bathroom and small fridge.
S: How much is the rent then?
E: It’s only 25 pounds per week. Are you still interested?
S: Yes, the description sounds great.


Znajomy Anglik przyjeżdża na tydzień do Twojego miasta. Chce miło spędzić czas. Poinformuj go o:

  • dobrych, niedrogich restauracjach,
  • modnych klubach i koncertach,
  • ciekawych spektaklach lub wystawach.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: I wonder how I could spend my week here.
S: There are a lot of good restaurants in my city. Take my advice and go to Santorini. I like this place because it has good food and reasonable prices.
E: What shall I do in the evening?
S: In the evening you could go to the Remont. The atmosphere is excellent and music is great. You might also go to the theatre. They’re performing Hamlet with an exceptional cast.


W najbliższy weekend chcesz wybrać się na dyskotekę. Podczas przerwy w zajęciach zapytaj lektora o:

  • Dyskoteki w Yorku.
  • Gdzie znajduje się najlepsza.
  • Możliwość dojazdu do niej.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: I wonder if you could tell me something about clubs I could go to in York.
E: There is couple of good discos in the centre.
S: Could you recommend me the best of them?
E: I like the one called Crazy in the Turkey Street. They play really great music there.
S: How can I get there?
E: You can take 206 bus from the stop outside our school. It’s just four stops away from here.


Chcesz zapisać się do szkolnego klubu filmowego, w rozmowie z przewodniczącym dowiedz się:

  • Jak często są organizowane spotkania klubu.
  • Ile wynosi składka miesięczna.
  • Jakie filmy są oglądane.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Hello, I would like to become a member of the film club. What can I do?
E: You just need to fill in a form.
S: How often are the meetings organized?
E: We meet once a week on Thursdays in the afternoon.
S: O.K., is there any fee I need to pay?
E: Now there is no compulsory fee, except the ­meetings when we watch premiers. Then we collect 5 pounds per meeting.
S: What kind of films do you watch apart from the new ones?
E: We watch classic and old school European cinema.


Przechodząc ulicą, widzisz ogłoszenie o pracę wywieszone w witrynie sklepowej. Jesteś zainteresowany ofertą.

  • Zapytaj o rodzaj pracy.
  • Zapytaj o ilość godzin tygodniowo.
  • Dowiedz się, ile wynosi wynagrodzenie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Good morning. I saw your advertisement. I’m looking for a temporary job. What kind of job are you offering?
E: We are looking for somebody who could stand behind the counter while I take my children to school and take them back home. Are you still interested?
S: Yes, I am. I study at an evening school so the strange hours of working don’t bother me. We just would have to work out a schedule. How many hours a week you think I would have to work?
E: I think about twenty.
S: And what would be my wage?
E: Around 100 pounds.


Jesteś u kuzyna w domu, dzwoni jego szef i chce z nim rozmawiać. Twojego kuzyna akurat nie ma. Odbierasz telefon i:

  • Przedstawiasz się.
  • Informujesz, że kuzyna nie ma w domu.
  • Mówisz, kiedy będzie i pytasz, czy coś mu przekazać.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator .

E: Hello, this is John Brown speaking; may I speak to William Scott?
S: Hello, I’m afraid he’s not here at the moment. This is his cousin speaking. Bill should be home about eight. May I take your message?
E: Just tell him that I phoned I’ll try to get him later.


Chcesz wybrać się z przyjaciółmi na kręgle, dowiedz się:

  • Ile kosztuje wynajęcie toru na godzinę.
  • Czy w cenę wliczone są buty.
  • Czy dostaniecie zniżkę dla grup.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: How can I help you?
S: Could you please tell me how much is one alley for one hour?
E: It’s 5 pounds.
S: Is the price for the shoes included in it?
E: No, the shoes are one extra pound.
S: O.K. Is it possible to get a discount if there are six of us?
E: Well, we give group discounts starting from ten ­people. Bring four more friends and you will get 15% discount.


W czasie pobytu w Anglii rozbolał Cię ząb. Dzwonisz do gabinetu stomatologicznego.

  • Poinformuj lekarza o swoich dolegliwościach.
  • Dowiedz się o możliwość konsultacji.
  • Zapytaj o godzinę wizyty.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello, how can I help you?
S: Hello, I have a pain in one of my molars. It aches a lot and I can’t concentrate and I guess I even have a small fever. Is it possible to come today in the afternoon?
E: It is not a problem.
S: I finish my lessons at 5 p.m. Is it all right if I come around 5.30?
E: I will register you at 5.30.
S: Thank you very much.


Jesteś na dworcu w Anglii. Chcesz dowiedzieć się:

  • Kiedy odjeżdża pociąg do Londynu.
  • O cenę biletu i zniżki dla studentów.
  • O czas podróży.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello, how can I help you?
S: Could you tell me when the train for London leaves?
E: There is one at 5 pm, and IC train at 5.30.
S: Which one gets to London first?
E: The train at 5 gets to London at 7 pm, and the IC train gets there at 6.30.
S: How much is a single ticket for IC train?
E: It’s 10 pounds.
S: Do you have discounts for students?
E: There are no discounts for IC train.
S: Can I have a single ticket for 5 pm train to London than, please?
E: Here you are. 7 pounds please.
S: Thank you very much.


Przechodzień na ulicy pyta o sklep papierniczy.

  • Wytłumacz przechodniowi, jak dojść do sklepu.
  • Wyjaśnij, że jest to najlepszy sklep w tej okolicy.
  • Dodaj, że mają rozsądne ceny.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest stationery shop?
S: Just turn left at the traffic lights and then left in the second cul-de-sac. The shop will be on our left.
E: Seems easy, OK, thank you.
S: If you lose the track of it, don’t worry everybody knows where the shop ‘tales’ is. It’s the best stationery shop in the neighborhood.
E: Lovely, so I should get there what I’m looking for.
S: Surely, they’ve got all the products at very reasonable prices.


Na ulicy spotykasz swojego dawnego nauczyciela angielskiego. Zapytaj:

  • Co u niego słychać.
  • Czy ma kontakt z innymi uczniami.
  • Czym się zajmuje.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Hello Mr. Brown. What a surprise to see you here. How are you?
E: Oh, hello, Tom. I’m fine, thank you. What are you up to?
S: Just waiting for my friends. Do you still remember Joanna? We’re going out together.
E: So you’re a lucky guy!
S: Are you in touch with some of the people from the group?
E: Generally no, but I bump into some of you from time to time.
S: Are you still teaching at the school?
E: No, unfortunately I am on the contract with a Polish company selling computers.
S: Oh, that’s really great. It was nice talking to you. I really must go now.
E: Take care.


Masz nowego współlokatora w akademiku. Wytłumacz mu:

  • Jakie reguły obowiązują.
  • Gdzie są najważniejsze pomieszczenia.
  • Poproś o numer jego komórki, na wszelki wypadek.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hi, I am new. Can you show me around?
S: No problem. This is your bed and the shelves above the table can also belong to you. The bathroom and the toilets are just round the corner and the launderette is in the basement. At the end of the corridor there is the kitchen. The living room with TV and Internet is on the third floor.
E: What are the rules to obey?
S: You have to be here for night before 11 pm. They sometimes check the rooms if there are no drugs or alcohol so better do not bring stuff like that to our room. By the way, can I have your mobile number? Just in case.
E: No problem, here you are.


Byłeś chory, a w tym czasie zmienił się plan zajęć Twojej grupy. Zadzwoń do kolegi z klasy:

  • Zapytaj, na którą masz do szkoły następnego dnia.
  • Na jakie zajęcia powinieneś się przygotować.
  • Czy są jakieś klasówki tego dnia.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello, Peter’s speaking.
S: Hi Peter, it’s Tom. I’m calling to ask you about school.
E: Hi Tom. How are you?
S: Thank you, much better now. I have heard that our plan has changed. Is that true?
E: Yes it is.
S: What time do we start lessons tomorrow?
E: At 8 o’clock.
S: And what lessons do we have?
E: We start from English Grammar, then History, Art and Geography. Four only.
S: Should I prepare for any tests tomorrow?
E: There may be test at vocabulary at English.
S: OK, thank you very much, see you tomorrow!


Starasz się o pracę reportera w gazetce lokalnej. Dowiedz się:

  • Jak wygląda taka praca.
  • Ile zapłacą Ci za artykuł.
  • O czym możesz pisać.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Good morning. I would like to start writing to your paper. Could you tell my how you work with journalists?
E: If you have an interesting topic to write about we let you write. When the article is good and well written we publish it and then pay you for your work.
S: I wonder what kind of topics would be interesting for you. Can it be culture or you are only interested in local politics and economy?
E: We are interested in all the matters that are crucial.
S: How much do you usually pay per article?
E: From 20 to 50 pounds.


Znalazłeś ogłoszenie na tablicy w szkole z informacją, że ktoś chce wynająć pokój. Zadzwoń i dowiedz się:

  • W której części miasta jest ten pokój.
  • Jakie jest jego wyposażenie.
  • Ile kosztuje jego wynajęcie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Hello, I have found an advertisement on school at board about a room to rent. Could you, please, give me some information?
E: Of course. What do you want to know?
S: First of all in which part of the city is the fiat, and what are the facilities in the room?
E: It’s in Green Street just round the corner, north of the school. It’s a completely separate room with its owo bathroom and small fridge.
S: How much is the rent then?
E: It’s only 50 pounds perweek. Are you stil interested?


Rozmawiasz z kolegą z Oksfordu o jego nowej dziewczynie. Zapytaj o:

  • Jej wygląd i cechy charakteru.
  • Jej zainteresowania.
  • Okoliczności poznania się.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Tell me something more about your new girlfriend. You’ve been spending so much time with her we hardly see each other.
E: She is simply gorgeous. I can’t stop thinking about her.
S: But what is she like?
E: Well she is intelligent, nice and makes me laugh all the time.
S: That sounds great. How does she look like?
E: She is quite tall, has got brown, shoulder-length hair and green beautiful eyes.
S: Wow, a real beauty, but how did you two meet?
E: We attended the same English course in summer. We started talking and couldn’t stop.
S: Well, you look very happy so good luck.


Irlandka, którą poznałeś w internecie, chciałaby przyjechać do Krakowa i poznać najważniejsze zabytki. Ty miałbyś ją oprowadzać po tym mieście. Skontaktuj się z nią, aby:

  • zapytać, o której wyląduje jej samolot;
  • udzielić jej rady dotyczącej pakowania się na ten wyjazd;
  • opisać, jak wyglądasz, tak by od razu mogła Cię poznać, gdy się spotkacie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Hi, I’m very happy you are going to come to Cracow. I’d like to know what time your plane is due to land as I’d like to meet you at the airport.
E: I’m landing at 7 p.m..
S: OK, I’ll be there. I’m quite tall and slim. Some people even say I’m skinny. I’ve got short, dark hair and hazel eyes. I’ll be wearing a brown, leather jacket and grey trousers. I’ll be carrying a plastic bag in my left hand.
E: I’m sure I’ll recognize you at once. Is there anything special I should take to Cracow?
S: You shouldn’t forget about taking an umbrella. It sometimes rains cats and dogs here!
E: OK, I won’t, thanks for your advice. See you at the airport then!
S: See you! I’m looking forward to your coming!


Twoi rodzice chcieliby wynająć na czas wakacji niewielki domek w Chorwacji. Właściciel mówi tylko po angielsku. Zadzwoń do niego i:

  • wyjaśnij, na jaki czas chcielibyście wynająć domek;
  • zapytaj, ile by to kosztowało i czy są jakieś zniżki za większą liczbę osób;
  • dowiedz się, czy nie przeszkadza mu to, że przyjedziecie z psem.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello, this is Istvan speaking. Can I help you?
S: Yes, I wonder if you could tell me how much it would cost to hire a villa on Hvar for six people.
E: Certainly. One night per one person would cost 25 €, so for six people…
S: Wait a moment. Can you offer any discount for me, taking into consideration the fact there will be so many people coming?
E: Well, I can reduce the price by 5% for you. Is it OK?
S: Yes, I accept it. We’d like to hire the villa from July, 10 until August, 17.
E: OK, I’ve just booked it.
S: And last but not least: would you mind a dog in your villa?
E: No, of course not. Have a nice stay!
S: Thank you. See you in a month.


Chciałbyś zapisać się na kurs przygotowujący do egzaminu na akademię sztuk pięknych. Dzwonisz do sekretariatu instytucji prowadzącej kurs, aby zapytać:

  • ile trwa kurs i kiedy się zaczyna;
  • o cenę i o to, czy można płacić w ratach;
  • czy instytucja daje jakąś gwarancję dostania się na wymarzoną uczelnię.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Good morning. I would like to register for the Academy of Arts preparation course but I have some questions regarding the classes.
E: Yes, how can I help you?
S: Please, tell me how long the course lasts and when it starts.
E: It lasts for six months and it starts on October, 15th.
S: OK, it suits me. I would like to know how much the course costs.
E: It costs 1000 zlotys for the whole cycle of classes.
S: Can I pay by instalments?
E: Yes, of course. We offer small interest charge if you pay by instalments.
S: All right. I have got one question more: can you guarantee me that after your course I will be a student of the Academy of Arts?
E: Unfortunately we are unable to give you such a guarantee. We can only assure you that we will provide you with the most updated and comprehensive knowledge about arts.
S: I must think it over. I’ll call you back in a few days. Thank you, good bye.
E: Good bye.


Podczas wakacji chciałabyś podjąć pracę w supermarkecie. Poszukują kasjerek:

  • pytasz, czy możliwe jest zatrudnienie w niepełnym wymiarze godzin;
  • chcesz wiedzieć, jakie możliwości rozwoju oferuje firma;
  • pytasz, ile przerw przysługuje Ci dziennie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Can I help you?
Z: Yes, I was wondering if I could get a job in your supermarket but first I’d like to ask you a few questions. Is it possible to work part-time here?
E: Yes, it is.
Z: What are the possibilities of personal develepment and career in your company?
E: If you work very hard in a year you could become the section manager and after next several years and graduating from university it is possible for everybody to become the store manager.
Z: It’s really promising. How many breaks would I have during the day if I took up the job?
E: Our staff has 2 breaks a day. Each break is 20 minutes long.
Z: I’ll take the position. Here is my CV.


Twoja ciocia zaprasza Cię na rodzinny obiad w niedzielę. Dzwonisz, by się dowiedzieć:

  • o której godzinie ciocia się Ciebie spodziewa;
  • czy masz coś przynieść do jedzenia;
  • jak masz się ubrać.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Hello, Auntie, thank you very much for your invitation for Sunday roast, I’ll be glad to come.
E: I’m happy to hear that.
S: What time would you like me to arrive, Auntie?
E: Is 2 p.m. suitable for you?
S: It’s just perfect, I’ll be on time! Shall I bring some cake?
E: No, absolutely not. I’m baking everything.
S: What kind of clothing shall I put on?
E: It’ll be quite an occasion – my niece is going to get married. You’d better wear a suit.
S: OK, I will. I’m really looking forward to Sunday, Auntie!
E: So am I! See you then!


Chcesz zamówić na wieczór stolik w studenckiej restauracji dla siebie i przyjaciół. Dzwonisz i:

  • pytasz, czy są jeszcze wolne stoliki na ten wieczór;
  • wyjaśniasz, że będzie Was czworo;
  • sprawdzasz, jakie jest danie dnia.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello, this is Matt Damon, Hawk restaurant speaking. How can I help you?
S: I would like to book a table in your restaurant for tonight. Have you got any unbooked seats?
E: Yes, we have got some free tables in the corner. How many people will the table be for?
S: There will be four of us. I have got one question more: what will be the dish of the day tonight?
E: Let me check… it’s going to be spinach pasta. Does it suit you?
S: Oh, yes, it’s perfect! See you tonight then.


W sklepie z ubraniami podoba Ci się koszula.

  • Pytasz, czy są takie w większym rozmiarze.
  • Upewniasz się, że ten kolor Ci pasuje.
  • Pytasz, ile kosztuje to ubranie.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Excuse me, I like this shirt very much. Is there such a shirt in a bigger size?
E: I’ll look around… yes, here you are.
S: Great. Does this colour suit me?
E: In my opinion you look very smart.
S: Thank you. I’ll take it. How much does it cost?
E: It is 30$. Here you are.
S: Thank you.


Twój kolega miał w szkole wypadek i został zabrany przez pogotowie. Dzwonisz do szpitala i pytasz:

  • w jakim stanie jest kolega;
  • czy można go odwiedzić;
  • czy zawiadomić kogoś o wypadku.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: Good afternoon. My friend, XYZ, was taken to this hospital two hours ago. I would like to find out how he is feeling at the moment…
E: Let me check. We suspect it is a heart failure because he suffered from shortness of breath and swelling of his legs before but we have to examine your friend more thoroughly.
S: I understand. Can I visit him now?
E: It’s not a good idea. He is still very weak and shocked. I think within a few days he should be much better.
S: OK, I’ll call you then. Shall I let anybody know about the accident?
E: No, there is no need to do so. We have already informed your friend’s parents about his condition.
S: Thank you very much.


Jesteś na lotnisku Heathrow w Londynie. W punkcie info pytasz:

  • kiedy jest najbliższy bezpośredni samolot do Polski;
  • jaka jest cena powrotnego biletu na jutro;
  • czy możesz zapłacić kartą.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator

E: Can I help you?
S: Please tell me when the next direct plane to Poland is.
E: We are beginning the boarding procedures for the next plane to Warsaw in 45 minutes.
S: That’s great. How much does the return ticket for tomorrow’s flight cost?
E: It’s a low-fare airline so it costs only 450 zlotys.
S: Great. You accept credit cards, don’t you?
E: Certainly we do.
S: That’s great. I’d like to book the ticket.


Opowiadasz przyjaciołom o ostatnich wakacjach w Grecji.

  • Miło wspominasz skromny i cichy hotel.
  • Podkreślasz, że ludzie byli wyjątkowo przyjaźni.
  • Zachęcasz ich do odwiedzenia tej samej wyspy.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello, I’ve heard you were in Greece last year. What was it like?
S: It was really fantastic! We decided to visit one of the least popular islands, Thassos. I must admit now the decision was perfect.
E: I’m very happy to hear that. What was so special about the place?
S: All the atmosphere was incredible, people were exceptionally friendly and the hotel was so modest, quiet and peaceful you could really relax instead of worrying all the time if you are fashionable enough as it sometimes happens in top resorts.
E: I wish I were with you there!
S: You must go next year to the same island. It’s worth visiting, believe me!


W kinie grają właśnie komedię romantyczną, na którą dawno chciałeś pójść. W kasie biletowej:

  • pytasz, od kiedy grają ten film;
  • pytasz, ile kosztuje bilet ze zniżką dla uczniów;
  • upewniasz się, że będziesz mogła kupić bilet w sobotę.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

Z: Excuse me, when do you are you starting to show romantic comedy ‘Funny dogs’?
E: The film is going to be on from the 5th May.
Z: That’s great! I’d love to see it. How much does the ticket with a student discount cost?
E: It is 25 zlotys.
Z: Shall I buy the ticket now or you can assure me I will be able to purchase the ticket if I come on Saturday?
E: I’m sure you can buy the ticket on the day of the premiere.
Z: All right. See you on Saturday then!
E: See you.


Pragniesz obejrzeć mecz tenisowy na kortach na Wimbledonie. W tym celu dzwonisz do koleżanki mieszkającej w Londynie i:

  • pytasz, czy można zarezerwować bilet na mecz;
  • dowiadujesz się, czy koleżanka ma możliwość taki bilet Ci kupić;
  • informujesz ją, że możesz przelać pieniądze za bilet na jej konto.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello, Kate, nice to hear you. How are you?
S: I’m fine, thanks. And you?
E: I’m fine, thank you. What do you need?
S: I’d like to watch the tennis match on the courts of Wimbledon. Is it possible to book a ticket for the game?
E: As far as I know majority of the tickets is sold in advance via public ballot. Entry into the ballot does not mean you will be able to buy the ticket yet. Some tickets are sold on the day of the game by queueing.
S: Would it be possible for you to queue for the ticket for me?
E: Yes, I will do it for you.
S: You are a real friend of mine, thank you very much! I will give you the money back by wire transfer, OK?
E: Sure. It perfectly suits me.
S: Thank you for everything.


Chcesz wziąć udział w maratonie. Dowiedz się:

  • Ile trwa maraton.
  • Co trzeba ze sobą zabrać.
  • Czy przewidziane są jakieś nagrody.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: How can I help you?
S: I would like to take part in the marathon that is going
to take place on Saturday. I wonder how long it is going to take.
E: We expect it to last around 5 hours.
S: What should I take with me?
E: Just good shoes. We provide t-shirts and water during the marathon.
S: What is the prize to win?
E: Well, you can win a trip or sport wear, but generally the money from the marathon’s entrance fee is for disabled children.
S: And how much is that?
E: Only 5 pounds.


W czasie pobytu w Anglii rozbolał Cię brzuch. Dzwonisz do lekarza.

  • Poinformuj go o swoich dolegliwościach.
  • Dowiedz się, czy może Ci pomóc.
  • Dowiedz się o możliwość konsultacji.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello, how can I help you?
S: Hello, I have a terrible stomachache. My stomach hurts a lot, I’ve vomited couple of times but I still feel a bit dizzy and have temperature. Could you please tell me what I can do to make me feel better?
E: For how long have you been feeling bad?
S: Since the morning but I haven’t eaten breakfast yet.
E: It sounds like something more serious. Is it possible for you to come today for a check up?
S: I don’t really think so. Can I do anything by myself now?
E: You should drink some still cola and restrain from eating until you stop feeling dizzy.
S: Thank you very much.


Przyjechałeś na kilka dni do Brighton. W biurze podróży spytaj o:

  • Możliwości zatrzymania się na kilka dni.
  • Godziny otwarcia banków.
  • Najbliższą księgarnię.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: Hello, how can I help you?
S: Hello, I have just arrived to Brighton. Could you possibly tell me what kind of accommodation can you offer for a few days?
E: There is one pleasant guest house just round the corner. They offer bed and breakfast for very reasonable prices.
S: Very well then, I will go there, thank you. Do you happen to know when the banks open?
E: They usually open at 9.30 and close at 5.30 pm.
S: Thanks a lot. By the way, could you tell me where the
nearest bookshop is?
E: Just across the street. It’s the biggest bookshop in the town.
S: Thank you kindly for your help. Good bye.


Znajomy Anglik przyjeżdża na tydzień do twojego miasta. Chce wesoło spędzić ten czas. Poinformuj go o:

  • dobrych, niedrogich restauracjach,
  • modnych klubach i koncertach,
  • ciekawych spektaklach lub wystawach.

Egzaminator może rozpocząć dialog w następujący sposób:

  • I wonder how I could spend my week here.
  • What do you recommend I do this week?
  • What’s there to do here?

Poinformuj o dobrych, niedrogich restauracjach.

  • There are a lot of good restaurants in my city.
  • I think you should go to Santorini because it’s got great food and it’s decently priced.
  • Take my advice and go to Santorini I like this place because it has good food and reasonable prices.

Pytania egzaminatora:

  • What shall I do in the evening?
  • What would you advice me to do in the evening?

Poinformuj o modnych klubach i koncertach.

  • In the evening you could try / go to Remont. The atmosphere is excellent and music is great.
  • There is a very good hip-hop concert on Saturday. Would you like to see it?

Poinformuj o ciekawych spektaklach lub wystawach.

  • This week the National Museum has an interesting exhibition on medieval art.
  • You might also go to the theatre. They’re performing Hamlet with an exceptional cast.