Prezentacja tematu i dyskusja – jak dobrze wypaść?

Wiele osób przygotowujących się do matury na poziomie rozszerzonym, chciałoby dostać spis tematów, które mogą się pojawić w tej części. Takiego spisu oczywiście nie ma, natomiast pojawiające się tematy są dość łatwe do przewidzenia, tyle że możliwości jest bardzo dużo. Ponieważ zadanie obejmuje nie tylko prezentację tematu, ale także dyskusję, są to zwykle tematy kontrowersyjne, a na pewno takie, przy których musimy zająć jakieś stanowisko, z czymś się zgodzić lub nie.

Dobre przygotowanie do tej części egzaminu to przede wszystkim znajomość słownictwa. Nie będziemy w stanie swobodnie dyskutować z egzaminatorem, jeśli nasze słownictwo będzie bardzo ubogie. Druga sprawa to nasza orientacja ogólna, dotyczy to szczególnie wiedzy na tematy kulturowe, prawne. Jednym słowem: musimy być na czasie. Tematy w tej części egzaminu wymagają bardzo często wiedzy o współczesnym świecie. Czytanie gazet i czasopism, oglądanie wiadomości, szerokie zainteresowania na pewno pomogą w egzaminie.

Ta część egzaminu rozpoczyna się od Twojej prezentacji tematu. Przygotowując się do niej, spisz sobie w punktach, co chcesz powiedzieć i po kolei realizuj te punkty. Przeczytaj dokładnie temat: jego sformułowanie zwykle narzuca sposób prezentacji. Na przykład, jeśli temat brzmi: „Wady i zalety mieszkania na wsi”, to w prezentacji będziesz musiał przedstawić po kolei wady i zalety życia na wsi. W punktach powinieneś sobie wtedy wypisać, jakie wady i zalety po kolei będziesz przedstawiał. Często temat jest tak sformułowany, że zawiera w sobie parę pytań, wtedy w prezentacji musisz odpowiedzieć na wszystkie te pytania.
Twoja prezentacja powinna być pełna i stanowić zamkniętą całość (co oznacza, że powinieneś ją podsumować na końcu). Kiedy już zakończysz ten etap, egzaminator zada Ci parę pytań, nawiązując do tego, co powiedziałeś. Jeśli Twoja prezentacja nie zrealizowała w pełni tematu, egzaminator na pewno poprosi Cię o uzupełnienie. Na przykład powie tak: You were asked to present advantages and disadvantages of living in the country, but it seems you concentrated on disadvantages only. Does it mean you think living in the country doesn’t have any advantages? Jeśli wyczerpałeś temat, ale nie podałeś własnej opinii, egzaminator może Cię o to dopytać. W założeniu pomiędzy egzaminatorem a Tobą powinna rozwinąć się rozmowa na podany temat.

Teraz na pewno chciałbyś wiedzieć, jakich możesz oczekiwać tematów… Oto przykłady. Ale uwaga: to nie jest oficjalna lista – są to tylko przykładowe tematy.


1. In some countries euthanasia is legal. Do you think it should be legalised in Poland? What are the benefits and dangers of such a solution?
2. Human rights can be an issue in some countries, like China, but not in Poland. Do you agree with this statement?
3. Present the advantages and disadvantages of legalising abortion.
4. Beauty is more important nowadays than intelligence. Do you agree? Do you think that good-looking people have an easy start?
5. The western civilization suffers from the cult of youth. Do you agree?
6. There are lots of stereotypes about men and women. Is there a grain of truth in them?
7. First impression is the most important thing nowadays, so we should pay more attention to what we wear. Do you agree with this statement?


8. Advantages and disadvantages of living in the country.
9. The prizes of flats have become very high nowadays. What do you think the consequences might be? What do you think the market will look like in twenty or thirty years?
10. A house or a flat? Present advantages and disadvantages of both.


11. School uniforms are a good way to fight violence at school. What else do you think should be done? Discuss.
12. Private schools are for rich parents with unintelligent kids – when you pay for education, you can get what you want. Do you agree? Are private and public schools very different – or very similar?
13. Do you think we should pay for higher education, or have it free? Discuss.
14. In Great Britain school is compulsory since the age of five, in Poland it is later. Do you think it is better for a child to start education earlier, or later?
15. The whole system of education in Poland is wrong. Do you agree? What could be done to improve the system?


16. Unemployment is a problem modern societies have to fight. Can anything be done about it?
17. More and more people nowadays work from home using the Internet. How do you think this way of working will develop in the future?
18. More and more people get a university degree and can’t find a job. What are the reasons for such a situation? Are there any possible solutions?
19. Some people are born to be bosses, some people are born to be unemployed. How do you think our personality decides what kind of work we are going to do?
20. In Poland the most important jobs get the lowest salaries. Do you agree with this statement?

Życie rodzinne i towarzyskie

21. The traditional model of family has changed. How will it affect our life? Do you think in the future people will return to the traditional family model?
22. More and more couples nowadays decide to live together before they get married. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this solution.
23. Generation gap – does it exist nowadays, when it seems there are fewer differences between parents and children?
24. Nowadays people live longer, but it is not easy to be old. Are there any advantages of being old? What should we do about the old?


25. We live faster and we tend to eat too much junk food. On the other hand, many people choose vegetarianism or diets. Which option will prevail?
26. Now when we eat dishes from different countries, we have lost our national cuisine. Do you agree with this statement?
27. We are what we eat. How can we interpret this statement?
28. We can’t eat healthy nowadays because addittives and preservatives are added to everything. Do you agree? How can we eat healthier?

Zakupy i usługi

29. Small shops have no chance in competing with supermarkets. Do you agree? Are there any adavantages of shopping in small shops?
30. In the future people will rarely go to shops: they will buy everything in the Internet: it is cheaper and more convenient. Do you agree with this statement?
31. More and more people nowadays buy things on hire purchase or on credit and tend to buy things they can’t really afford. What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a situation?
32. Some people think that shops should be closed on Sunday, some people argue Sunday is the best day for shopping. What is your opinion?
33. We are a consumer society and we buy more and more. Discuss shopping in Poland.

Podróżowanie i turystyka

34. Tourism has developed and different kinds of tourism are popular nowadays than in the past. What are the reasons of this situation? How do you think people will spend holidays in the future?
35. Poland has a lot to offer to foreigners. Do you agree? What should we do in Poland to make tourist industry grow?
36. All-inclusive or camping? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of both.


37. A very high percentage of people in Poland do not read books at all. What are the reasons? Can anything be done to encourage people to read?
38. Nowadays only popular entertainment can earn money. Do you agree?
39. Polish films are awkward copies of American movies. Do you agree? What should be done to improve the situation?
40. Will e-books and e-newspapers replace their printed equivalents?


41. Why do so many people choose extreme sports nowadays?
42. More drugs seems to be a serious problem in sport. Do you think in the future sports can be honest and drugs eliminated?
43. Too much money is spent on sports. Do you agree?


44. It is very difficult to be a handicapped person in Poland. Do you agree? What problems does a handicapped person have to face? What should be done to make their life easier?
45. Alternative medicine has become very popular nowadays. What is it and do you believe it can really help ill people?
46. The system of public health care in Poland needs changing. Do you agree? How should the system be improved?
47. Should soft drugs be legalized? What are the advantages and disadvantages of legalization of drugs?

Nauka, technika

48. What is the most important invention of the 20th century?
49. Even small kids want to have mobile phones. Do you think everybody should have them? What are the situations when mobile phones should not be used?
50. What is the future of the Internet?

Świat przyrody

51. A lot of animals are in the danger of extinction. What should be done to protect endangered animals?
52. A lot of people treat pets like toys. Do you think there should be some organs controlling how people take care of their pets?
53. Everybody knows the environment is in danger. What are the biggest dangers threatening the environment? Can individual people help protect the environment?

Państwo i społeczeństwo

54. Capital punishment should be introduced in Poland because it is the best way to prevent the crime. Do you agree with this statement?
55. Why do you think young people ­choose crime? Is it because parents work too hard to controll them or are there other reasons?
56. War is the worst thing that could happen in the modern world. Do you agree? What can be done to prevent war from breaking out?
57. The world is not the same after the World Trade Center. Do you agree? Is terrorism a serious problem nowadays?

Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

58. If you had to choose, where would you like to live – in Britain or in the USA?
59. Present an important British or American writer.
60. It always rains in England and all Americans are fat. Discuss stereotypes about Britain and the USA.