Temat: zakupy i usługi

Uzyskiwanie i udzielanie informacji

W najbliższy weekend chcesz wybrać się do klubu. Podczas przerwy w zajęciach zapytaj znajomego londyńczyka o:

  • dobre kluby w Londynie,
  • gdzie znajduje się najlepszy klub,
  • możliwość dojazdu do niego.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: I would like to have fun this weekend, could tell me something about the clubs I could go to in London.
E: Great maybe we could go together. I know a few good clubs and discos.
S: Could you recommend me one with good music?
E: The one I like most is called Hell and it is near Paddington. They play really great music there.
S: How can I get there?
E: You can take the tube. It will take you straight to the Paddington Station, close to the club.
S: Thank you very much for your help.



Powiedz koleżance, co robiłeś/aś w urodziny. Opisz:

  • gdzie i z kim się udałeś/aś,
  • jak się ubrałeś/aś,
  • jak przebiegała impreza.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminator.

E: How was your birthday party?
S: It was nice. I went to my uncle’s restaurant with my parents and cousins.
E: What did you wear?
S: There was no a dress code, so we all wore casual outfits. The party was not very fancy.
E: How was the party?
S: We all had a good time, lots of dancing and laughing. The music was really great. Although some of the people were middle-aged, there were also a lot of cousins in my age, and all in all, there were seventeen of us in the restaurant. I will remember it for a long time especially that I got so many fantastic presents!



Zbliżają się urodziny Waszej przyjaciółki. Zastanów się razem ze swoją angielską koleżanką nad prezentem dla solenizantki.

  • Zaproponuj kupno prezentu.
  • Nie zgódź się z propozycją koleżanki, podając argumenty.
  • Zaproponuj zrobienie przyjęcia niespodzianki. Zachęć do tego koleżankę.

Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

S: It is Anna’s birthday this weekend. Let’s buy her a nice present. What about a new CD of her favourite pop singer?
E: I think such CD is too expensive. It is better to buy her a book or some chocolates.
S: But if we collect money from our friends we will raise enough to buy her this CD. After all there are going to be at least a few of us. We can handle it.
E: OK, this is the deal: if we collect money we will buy her this CD.
S: Great! I have been also thinking about organizing a small surprise party for her. We can have it at my house my parents are going out this Saturday. But do not let the cat out of the bag, because it is a secret.
E: Let’s do it, it is a good idea.