Conflicts with parents are not the nicest thing but they happen. The age gap doesn’t let them understand many things that teenagers do nowadays. Try to excuse your parents sometimes, even if you don’t agree with them.

Imagine you listen to music all day long. You love it! Unfortunately, your parents don’t like it. They are angry every time it’s too loud and they believe you can’t study when the walls in your room are shaking! Don’t get angry! Not everyone has to like the same music. To avoid conflict, turn the music down to make your parents feel comfortable.

Computer games are one of the teens’ hobbies that make their old folks furious. Your parents always seem cross with you when you sit by the computer. But honestly? If you count the time you spend playing, you will have to admit your parents are right. Besides let’s face it – you don’t have to kill virtual people or smash virtual cars all day long.

The books you read and films you watch (especially films!) may be extremely interesting! Why don’t your parents accept some of the titles? They are nervous and ask questions! You feel as if you were a little kid! You have an argument with your parents although you realize that some books and films are not suitable for a certain age. Instead of shouting, ask them to explain to you their decision.

Finally, we come to meeting friends… The main problem for your parents is that you meet them too often or you spend too much time on chatting. Your parents may get angry not only because they don’t know what you talk about, but also because if the meeting with friends is long then you stay up late doing your homework.

Teenagers are in a very difficult situation. They are somewhere in between childhood and adulthood. The secret of a grown-up decision is compromise and talking. Give your parents a chance and they will give you one!

conflicts – konflikty
the age gap – różnica wieku
nowadays – w dzisiejszych czasach
to excuse – wytłumaczyć (kogoś)
too loud – za głośna
walls are shaking – ściany się trzęsą
to avoid – unikać
to turn the music down – przyciszyć muzykę
the old folks – rodzice (pot. ‘starzy’)
cross – zły; zdenerwowany
to count – liczyć
to admit – przyznać; zgodzić się
besides – poza tym
let’s face it – szczerze mówiąc
virtual people – wirtualni ludzie
to smash – rozbijać; zgniatać
to accept – akceptować
to have an argument – pokłócić się
to realize – zdawać sobie sprawę
not suitable for a certain age – nieodpowiedni w pewnym wieku
to explain – wyjaśniać
chatting – pogaduchy
to stay up late – siedzieć do późna w nocy
childhood – dzieciństwo
adulthood – dorosłość
a grown-up decision – dorosła, odpowiedzialna decyzja