• British Commonwealth – Brytyjska Wspólnota Narodów
  • the South Pacific – południowy Pacyfik
  • European descent – pochodzenie europejskie
  • Maoris – Maorysi, autochtoniczni mieszkańcy Nowej Zelandii
  • minority – mniejszość
  • Wellington – stolica Nowej Zelandii
  • Aukland – największe miasto

New Zealand is a country of two large islands and many smaller islands in the south-western Pacific Ocean. It is also known as Aotearoa in the Maori language, or the Land of the Long White Cloud. New Zealand is notable for its isolation, being separated from Australia to the northwest by the Tasman Sea. The population of New Zealand is mostly of European descent, with Maori being the largest minority. Officially, Elizabeth II is the Queen of New Zealand and is represented in the country by a non-political Governor-General; however, the Queen has no real political influence. Political power is held by the Prime Minister who is leader of the Government in the democratically elected Parliament of New Zealand. The dramatic and varied landscape of New Zealand has made it a popular location for the production of television programmes and films, including the Lord of the Rings trilogy.


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