- Church of England – Kościół anglikański
- Anglicans – anglikanie
- the Act of Supremacy – ustawa o zwierzchnictwie króla nad kościołem
- minister, vicar – pastor
- rector – proboszcz
- the Archbishop of Canterbury – arcybiskup Canterbury (duchowny zwierzchnik Kościoła anglikańskiego)
- Church of Scotland – kościół Szkocji
Catholicism – katolicyzmThe Church of England and the Church of Scotland function as the official national religions in their respective countries, but most religions found in the world are represented in the United Kingdom. Anglicanism is the state religion that has been established in England since 1534 during the reign of King Henry VIII. During his reign, England broke ties with the Roman Catholic Church and established the Church of England as the official religion. The senior clergy are appointed by the monarch on the recommendation of the Prime Minister, and the Archbishop of Canterbury is the religious head of the Church.