Tag "psychotest"

jak przeżyć w komunie? (psychotest)

Wchodzisz do pokoju i widzisz swojego kolegę rozpartego na Twoim łóżku i przerzucającego Twoje prywatne notatki. Jak reagujesz? Podnosisz głos i obrzucając go niewybrednymi epitetami, każesz mu opuścić pokój (3) Zwracasz mu spokojnie uwagę, że nie życzysz sobie takiego zachowania i ustalasz zasady przebywania w Twoim pokoju (2) Siadasz obok na krześle i zaczynasz rozmowę o ostatnio widzianym filmie (1) Boli Cię brzuch, czujesz się słabo, a tymczasem koleżanka wyciąga Cię na imprezę w akademiku. Mówisz: „Czuję się naprawdę

What is your attitude to fashion? (psychotest)

What is your attitude to fashion? Everyone of us thinks about what we wear. Answer the questions below and find out what fashion means to you. 1. You moved to a new place and tomorrow’s your first day at a new school. A. You wear the most shocking clothes you have. B. You wear something you think you look good in. C. You try to get something that kids in the area wear.

Do you care about your body and mind? (psychotest)

It is said that people are minds and bodies and that’s obvious. More often people try to keep fit but they also remember to take care of their minds. In the USA, for example, there are many clubs where you can train your body and your mind at the same time, e.g. while working out, you listen to poetry. Człowiek to umysł i ciało. Ale coraz częściej ludzie dbają tylko o

Are you ready for a new school year? (psychotest)

For some people summer is fun but they miss their friends. During the holidays they are resting and refreshing their minds. Are you one of these people? 1. You are coming home from a camp (holidays) with a large backpack. When you arrive home, how do you feel? A. Relief! Home at last! B. It’s nice to be home but I could spend more time on holidays. C. I’m angry and terrified. Why is it all over!? 2. You

School (psychotest)

1. When a school year starts, all you think about is: a) New problems, a lot of learning, etc, b) If anything really interesting is going to happen, new friend or a teacher, c) Holidays! I’m going to miss them! (Kiedy zaczyna się rok szkolny, wszystko o czym myślisz to: a) Nowe problemy, dużo nauki, itd. b) Czy zdarzy się coś interesującego, nowy kolega czy nauczyciel. c) Wakacje! Będę za nimi tęsknić!) 2. Where

School (psychotest) 2

You can’t forget about the holidays? You don’t feel like going back to school or maybe you are finally happy because you can start showing you’re the best? If you want to know what a new school year has in store for you, answer the questions below and read the description. 1. You want to look great at the New Year’s Eve party. What do you do? a. Nothing. It’s