Tag "słówka angielskie"


THE LANDSCAPE When I’m tired of the noise of the big city I go to the mountains. I hire a room in a chalet which is situated at the end of a picturesque valley. I have a wonderful view of mountain peaks covered with snow. They belong to a large mountain range in the South of the country. There are no cars; I can only hear a few tourists and the low sound of streams and waterfalls. I’d like to

THE WEATHER – pogoda

CLIMATE Europe is a continent with a wide variety of climates. It’s hot and dry in Spain, Italy, Greece and the south of France, whereas in the north it’s very cold. Great Britain has a temperate climate, with mild winters, humid springs and warm summers. Climate – klimat warm – ciepły cold – zimny mild – łagodny humid – wilgotny dry – suchy temperate – umiarkowany   WEATHER Cold weather The weather in September


I would like to be a banker in the future. I know it may be a boring job but it has many advantages. First of all, you receive a high salary, steady income and bonuses if you are a good employee. Some bankers enjoy such perks as a mobile phone or a company car. You also have both social and health insurance and a good pension scheme so you can feel secure about your future. There are a lot

HOUSE – słownictwo do matury

HOUSE – słownictwo do matury During your matura exam you are likely to deal with texts connected with home. A variety of possible tasks comprises: describing a house depicted in a picture or comparing two different houses and discussing e.g. various lifestyles; filling a questionnaire connected with accomodation abroad; dealing with texts about houses, buildings, architecture; dicussing issues connected with types of accomodation, living in a certain place (a big

FEELINGS – emocje, odczucia

How to express yourself… Jeżeli mówisz o czymś, co dzieje się regularnie, użyjesz czasu Present Simple (teraźniejszego prostego): I like American horror movies. – Lubię amerykańskie horrory. I watch a fantastic Polish series every Friday. – Oglądam fantastyczny polski serial w piątek. Jeżeli chcesz powiedzieć o czymś, co dzieje się w tej chwili, użyjesz czasu Present Continuous (teraźniejszego ciągłego): I am watching a comedy now. – Oglądam teraz komedię. Are