International Organizations

The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement The mission of the movement is to protect human life and health and to alleviate suffering, regardless the nationality, race, religion or political beliefs. The movement has several parts: the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross), National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (for example Polish Red Cross founded in 1919) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent

Zadania maturalne. Poziom rozszerzony. Ćwiczenia.

Rozumienie tekstu czytanego i rozpoznawanie struktur ­leksykalno-gramatycznych. Zadanie Dobierz brakujące zdania (A–F) tak, aby otrzymać spój­ny i logiczny tekst. W każdą lukę (1–4) wpisz li­te­rę, którą oznaczone jest brakujące zdanie. Dwa zda­nia zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do tekstu. Za każde poprawne rozwiązanie otrzymasz 1 punkt. I will never forget my first day at… I will never forget my fist day at the holiday camp for blind people. I came there as a guide for disabled children

Zadania maturalne. Poziom podstawowy. Ćwiczenia.

Tego typu zadania na pewno pojawią się na maturze pisemnej z języka angielskiego! Zwróć uwagę na różnorodność zadań. Czytaj dokładnie polecenia! Najpierw poziom podstawowy! Rozumienie tekstu czytanego Zadanie Przeczytaj tekst. Zdecyduj, które z podanych poniżej informacji są zgodne z jego treścią (true – T), a które nie (false – F). Wstaw znak X do odpowiedniej rubryki w tabeli. The Golden Dream In the early XIX century an astonishing thing happened in the North America. Nearly


NOTATKA (WIADOMOŚĆ) Notatka to zwięzła forma, w której informujemy kogoś o czymś, o jakiejś zaistniałej sytuacji lub o problemie. Możemy też kogoś o coś w niej prosić. Kiedy piszemy krótką notatkę (wiadomość) dla współlokatora, informując, że na przykład przyjdzie hydraulik i w związku z tym prosimy, żeby współlokator nie wychodził z domu (albo informując, że wrócimy późno i zakupy są w lodówce), użyjemy jak najprostszych wyrażeń. Styl nieformalny jest w tym przypadku uzasadniony – zwracamy się przecież do kolegi. Gdyby jednak była

Jak to jest z tym pisaniem na maturze?

Na poziomie podstawowym będziesz musiał napisać dwa teksty użytkowe – krótszy i dłuższy. Krótsze teksty użytkowe: ogłoszenie, notatka, komunikat, pocztówka, ankieta. Dłuższe teksty użytkowe: list prywatny, list oficjalny (różne typy, np. list do redakcji, list w sprawie pracy). Ważne! Krótszy tekst nie ma limitu słów – obowiązuje pełny przekaz wszystkich informacji z zadania maturalnego. Dłuższy tekst – list – ma limit od 120 do 150 słów. Na poziomie rozszerzonym piszemy jeden tekst

Zjadacze czasu

Learn how to learn Learn how to learn Ile razy w ciągu każdego dnia patrzysz na zegarek i wydajesz z siebie: O! Już siódma! Oczywiście, to może być również dziewiąta lub jedenasta. W każdym razie łapiesz się na tym, że godzina już późna, a Ty nic nie zrobiłeś! Żeby zrozumieć, dlaczego tak się dzieje, należy prześledzić cały dzień – a najlepiej tydzień. Na kartce wypisać skrupulatnie wszystkie czynności – nawet tak błahe jak wyjście do toalety.

Places different climates

Iquitos, Peru – tropical moist climate of the rainforest Iquitos, a city on the banks of the Amazon river, is the most important city in the Peruvian Amazon jungle. This place is an example of a tropical moist climate of the rainforest. It is a hot and humid climate. There are heavy rains in all months (between 125 and 660 cm annually). It rains about 90 days in the year. Rainforests lie near the

Where would you like to live?

Highlands When I’m old and wealthy enough I would like to live in a real mountain chalet in the Polish mountains. I would love to wake up to the subtle silence of mornings, go outside the chalet and admire the beautiful scenery. There is no better way of enjoying mountains than trekking or climbing, and I just love those. Setting out on a trek early in the morning is fantastic. However, I would like to have

Natural disasters

A natural disaster is the consequence of the combination of a natural hazard and human activities. Human vulnerability caused by the lack of appropriate emergency management, leads to financial, structural, and human losses. A natural hazard will never be a natural disaster in areas without vulnerability, e.g. strong earthquakes in uninhabited areas. Geological An avalanche involves a slide of a large snow (or rock) mass down a mountainside. In an avalanche, lots of material or mixtures of

I love nature because…

Their opinions Kasia When I was younger, I didn’t really like nature. I associated it only with my grandfathers’ summer house. I had to go there every year and it was a bit boring. Well, it’s in the forest, but with no river or lake, and my grandfathers had all these carrots and onions which we had to weed every week. My parents were happy because I could spend a lot of time outdoors, but I wasn’t really.

Save Rospuda

Read a story Monika was sleepy. She hadn’t slept enough. Only five hours! She had to finish a Polish essay and then revise for Maths test. But even if she did, she didn’t expect the test she had just written would appear to be successful. It was hopeless. At least the Biology lesson was not stressful. It was relaxing after all the tension at Maths lesson. The teacher was harmless: speaking in

Records Temat: Podróżowanie

LONGEST SNOWMOBILE JOURNEY Tony Lenzini (USA) travelled three months on his snowmobile to get to the Guinness Book of Records. He set out on December 20, 1985 and parked his snowmobile on March 20, 1986 covering the distance of 11,604.6 km (7,211 miles). While experiencing the journey he became a specialist in snowmobile engine maintenance and also famous snowmobile rider in the northern states of the USA. LONGEST DRIVEN JOURNEY Emil and


ARIES For you the best place would be Ibiza: you love discos, beaches, crowds, spending time with friends, colourful clothes and drinks. You wouldn’t stand a day in a peaceful village, something must be happening all the time. TAURUS You prefer cities, especially beautiful and famous cities: London, Paris, new York… For you a holiday must be organized in such a way that you see some interesting places and also have time for eating

Rumours Temat: Podróżowanie

Aneta Piotrowska, well-known Polish dancer has decided to leave Poland for the United States. She has been given an offer to take part in the American version of record breaking show, called ”Dancing with the stars”. She does not who she is going to dance with, but it is a big promotion, to be invited to the American show, so she packed herself and flew away. She is also said to

It happens!

Their stories During the many journeys we have sometimes unusual things happen. Some of them are funny some of them serious. The fact is that we remember them for a long time… A puncture A group of students were travelling to Italy when the coach got a puncture in one of its enormous wheels. The wheel had to be changed but the spare wheel department on that bus was behind the luggage section. The

Disastrous weekend in London

It had to be a relaxing mini-break weekend in London but turned out as a total disaster! Me and my friends wanted to visit London and so decided to go there for a few days. We booked tickets for a plane and a room in one of the London hostels, bought a small but useful phrase book and got ready for the adventure. At the beginning everything seemed all right. Our plane landed at Heathrow airport


Majka never travels with her parents. She rebelled when she was twelve – it was her last holiday with Mum and Dad. Ania – the opposite – often travels with her family. Which option is better? Listen to what the girls say. Majka: I used to go on holiday with my Mum and Dad in the past. When you are a kid, it is ok, but for a teenager this means limited freedom.

The greatest… travelling

Travelling is one of the most incredible activities in the world. You meet new people and learn about their cultures. You can travel by bus, by train, by plane or in your own car. Moving from place to place and looking for new adventure is… travelling. Staying overnight There are many cheap hotels all around the world and it’s not very difficult to find them. You shouldn’t have any problems


Organizing, organizing, organizing are the three important things you have to do before going cycle camping, rock climbing or even sightseeing. Here are few tips for you what to take. Sightseeing When we think about sightseeing the first thing that comes to our mind is going from church to church or from one museum to another and looking at things produced by people that are already dead. The truth is

I like it

Teenagers about travelling While planning going on a short weekend break or on a longer holiday we always have some doubts what type of accommodation to choose. Here are some personal opinions of students that have already checked what they like or don’t. Ania In the mountains is my favourite place to stay at while trekking. Chalets are always situated nearby the trekking routes and paths so you just have to leave