Tag "turystyka"


Have you ever heard of a very discipline called orienteering? It’s a running sport that involves (zawiera) navigation with a map and compass… The most important thing during such a run is to get to your destination safely (bezpiecznie dotrzeć do celu). That’s why you have to train in four basic skills (cztery podstawowe umiejętności): 1. Reading a map (czytanie mapy) First of all you have to make sure (upewnić

Where to go with a teenager

Where to go with a teenager Some parents don’t know how to organise holidays to make their children happy. Especially, when they have teenagers at home! What do teenagers like doing? Where would they have a good time? Some parents asked questions to the Junior High School students. What were their answers? Question 1 I would like to prepare a surprise trip for my daughter. We don’t have much time

Where to go with a teenager?

Some parents don’t know how to organise holidays to make their children happy. Especially, when they have teenagers at home! What do teenagers like doing? Where would they have a good time? Some parents asked questions to the Junior High School students. What were their answers? Question 1 I would like to prepare a surprise trip for my daughter. We don’t have much time for each other during the holidays.

Travell as you like

Travell as you like There are no holidays without travelling! It’s very important to choose the best means of transport (środek transportu) for you and your family. You should feel comfortable and safe whilst (podczas) travelling. Through the air (w powietrzu) Travelling by plane is the fastest way (najszybszy sposób) to get anywhere nowadays. It takes about 4 hours to get from Warsaw to Barcelona, and 12 hours from Barcelona

Before you go…

Before you go… You go on a camp this year. Obviously you want to have a good time. Before you go, think of some important points! Problem no 1 How to persuade (przekonać) your parents to give you more pocket money (kieszonkowe)? Tell them you need to send a lot of postcards. They don’t want your friends, grandparents to forget about them during the summer! You are going to a beautiful place and you

Travel to English-speaking countries

Travel to English-speaking countries It is very easy for English speakers to travel around English-speaking countries. Those countries are historically interesting (historycznie interesujące), generally safe and you can see spectacular views (cudowne widoki) there. You can easily travel from a big modern city to a National Park. The eco-friendly development (rozwój przyjazny środowisku) of these landscapes makes these countries the best in the world for outdoor activities (zajęcia na świeżym

Dazzling, unique, modern and traditional – Just Dubai!

Temat: podróżowanie i turystyka Zadanie maturalne Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w tekście zdecyduj, które zdania w tabeli są zgodne z treścią tekstu (TRUE), a które nie (FALSE). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli.   Dazzling, unique, modern and traditional – Just Dubai! Where is the only in the world seven-star hotel situated? Where can you find one of the most beautiful carpets as well as