Świat przyrody


COSMOS I’ve always been interested in astronomy. At the age of six I could find in the night sky not only The Great Bear, Polaris and The Plough but also Cassiopeia and Venus. Then, I started reading books about the universe and I wanted to know everything about our solar system. I observed the shooting stars, the phases of the moon and I even went abroad to see the eclipse. I’d like to be an


THE LANDSCAPE When I’m tired of the noise of the big city I go to the mountains. I hire a room in a chalet which is situated at the end of a picturesque valley. I have a wonderful view of mountain peaks covered with snow. They belong to a large mountain range in the South of the country. There are no cars; I can only hear a few tourists and the low sound of streams and waterfalls. I’d like to

THE WEATHER – pogoda

CLIMATE Europe is a continent with a wide variety of climates. It’s hot and dry in Spain, Italy, Greece and the south of France, whereas in the north it’s very cold. Great Britain has a temperate climate, with mild winters, humid springs and warm summers. Climate – klimat warm – ciepły cold – zimny mild – łagodny humid – wilgotny dry – suchy temperate – umiarkowany   WEATHER Cold weather The weather in September

Environment pollution – zanieczyszczenie środowiska

 Environment pollution One of the greatest problems of the contemporary world is the pollution of the environment. Cars and factories emit gases which contaminate the atmosphere. It leads to depletion of the ozone layer, acid rain and global warming. Water is also heavily polluted because of tanker leaks, oil spills and the dumping of sewage directly into rivers and seas. Deforestation and the use of fertilizers cause soil erosion, the

THE NATURAL WORLD – świat przyrody

Climate – klimat warm – ciepły cold – zimny mild – łagodny humid – wilgotny dry – suchy temperate – umiarkowany Cold weather – chłodna, zimowa pogoda chilly days – chłodne dni blizzard – zamieć (śnieżna) snowdrifts – zaspy b– deszcz ze śniegiem Warm/ hot weather – letnia pogoda, upał warm/hot weather – ciepło, upał heat wave – fala upałów humid – wilgotno scorching – skwarny boiling – bardzo gorąco


Earthquake – trzęsienie ziemi the earth moves/ trembles – ziemia drży warning signal – sygnał ostrzegawczy collapse – runięcie, zawalenie się epicentre – epicentrum to measure in Richter scale – mierzyć w skali Richtera Earthquake An earthquake starts when the blocks which make up the earth move up and down. When one piece of rock starts to rub on another with great force, a lot of energy is used. This energy is changed

WORLD OF ANIMALS – świat zwierząt

Parts of animal bodies – części ciała zwierząt beak – dziób wing – skrzydło tail – ogon paw – łapa claws – pazury whiskers – wąsy hoof – kopyto fur – futro mane – grzywa scale – łuska fin – płetwa shell – skorupa Amphibians and reptiles – płazy i gady toad – ropucha frog – żaba lizard – jaszczurka salamander – salamandra snake – wąż viper – żmija Birds –

WORLD OF PLANTS – świat roślin

Spring is the most beautiful season, as nature comes back to life. Tulips, daffodils and pansies are still in their buds but they should blossom soon. Primroses and daisies are already in bloom turning their lovely petals to the sun. Deciduous trees haven’t got leaves yet but their twigs are growing stronger. In a few days birches, willows and poplars will look fresh and green. I love nature and I go to