ANG Słownistwo do matury
Types of accommodation My father wants to buy a house but we haven’t decided yet what type of accommodation to look for. Dad wants to have a detached house in a quiet district, whereas mum would like a mansion in the suburbs. I know we can afford none of them and I’m sure we’ll have a terraced house with a small garden in a housing estate. In comparison to our
branches of science – dziedziny nauki chemistry – chemia physics – fizyka botany – botanika zoology – zoologia astronomy – astronomia mathematics – matematyka medicine – medycyna genetic engineering – inżynieria genetyczna molecular biology – biologia molekularna cybernetics – cybernetyka information technology – informatyka biochemistry – biochemia geopolitics – geopolityka astrophysics – astrofizyka applied science – nauka stosowana scientist – naukowiec inventor – wynalazca discoverer – odkrywca explorer – badacz
PERSONAL DETAILS I spent my last holidays at my aunt’s place. Her name is Mary Brown and her maiden name is Nowak. She comes from Poland but she has been living in England for 15 years. She got married to a British police officer John Brown. She works as a nurse, but it’s only a temporary occupation because she wants to be a doctor. It should be possible in two years time when she
Everyone has a special place, a place where you can be you, where you can find peace and harmony. A place where you know you are just happy being there. For some it’s a quiet place, for others it’s a loud, bustling, full of people and movement place. Tomek, 18 I love nature. I have some favourite walk tracks near the place I live, but I spend my summer holidays with my friends in the forest in Masurian District
The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement The mission of the movement is to protect human life and health and to alleviate suffering, regardless the nationality, race, religion or political beliefs. The movement has several parts: the ICRC (International Committee of the Red Cross), National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (for example Polish Red Cross founded in 1919) and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
• for sale – na sprzedaż • buyer – kupujący • seller – sprzedający • housing offers – oferty mieszkaniowe • estate agency – agencja nieruchomości • agent – agent, przedstawiciel • commission – prowizja • survey – ekspertyza, opinia biegłego • mortgage – hipoteka, kredyt • loan – pożyczka • notary – notariusz • removal company – firma zajmująca się przeprowadzkami • to move into a new flat – wprowadzić
Cechy charakteru virtues – zalety ambitious – ambitny honest – uczciwy reliable – godny zaufania loyal – lojalny faithful – wierny truthful – prawdomówny blunt – szczery candid – otwarty, bezpośredni strong-willed – obdarzony silną wolą self-assured – pewny siebie self-confident – ufny we własne siły competitive – skory do rywalizacji, zacięty obedient – posłuszny modest – skromny patient – cierpliwy wise – mądry sensible – rozsądny reasonable – rozsądny
We decided to spend four days in Edinburgh. It is a big city so before we went sightseeing we visited a tourist information office. It was a good decision as the girl who worked there was really helpful. She gave us a city map, some brochures and catalogues. She advised us what is worth seeing and visiting in Edinburgh. She recommended some hotels and restaurants. She also offered to find a guide for us but we
What school do you prefer: American, French or Polish one? School in Sweden Studying in any kind school is for free. Parents and children don’t have to pay for books, meals at school, school bus or a school doctor. Nauka w każdym rodzaju szkoły jest za darmo. Rodzice i uczniowie nie muszą płacić za książki, posiłki w szkole, autobus szkolny czy za szkolnego lekarza. In every school there’s a headmaster. This person makes decisions
COSMOS I’ve always been interested in astronomy. At the age of six I could find in the night sky not only The Great Bear, Polaris and The Plough but also Cassiopeia and Venus. Then, I started reading books about the universe and I wanted to know everything about our solar system. I observed the shooting stars, the phases of the moon and I even went abroad to see the eclipse. I’d like to be an
THE LANDSCAPE When I’m tired of the noise of the big city I go to the mountains. I hire a room in a chalet which is situated at the end of a picturesque valley. I have a wonderful view of mountain peaks covered with snow. They belong to a large mountain range in the South of the country. There are no cars; I can only hear a few tourists and the low sound of streams and waterfalls. I’d like to
CLIMATE Europe is a continent with a wide variety of climates. It’s hot and dry in Spain, Italy, Greece and the south of France, whereas in the north it’s very cold. Great Britain has a temperate climate, with mild winters, humid springs and warm summers. Climate – klimat warm – ciepły cold – zimny mild – łagodny humid – wilgotny dry – suchy temperate – umiarkowany WEATHER Cold weather The weather in September
INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS – STOSUNKI MIĘDZYNARODOWE tense relations – napięte stosunki diplomatic – dyplomatyczne to break off – zerwać to revive – odnowić to reduce tension – redukować napięcia to negotiate – negocjować, pertraktować summit (meeting) – spotkanie na szczycie to reach compromise – osiągnąć kompromis to reconcile – dojść do pojednania to sign a treaty – podpisać układ diplomacy – dyplomacja diplomatic protocol – protokół dyplomatyczny European Union (EU) – Unia
WELFARE – opieka społeczna Poverty A lot of people in Poland live in poverty. If they have right to welfare, they turn to the Department of Social Security. They receive a benefit but it is often too low for them to get by so they often fall into debts. Hopefully, there are a lot of charity organizations which offer financial and material support for people in need. Poverty – ubóstwo to live
RELIGION & DENOMINATIONS There are more than one hundred registered churches and religious associations in Poland. The biggest numbers belong to the Catholic Church, approximately 95% of the religious segment of Polish society. There are now 40 dioceses and 13 Latin metropolitan archdioceses, and one Byzantine-Ukrainian metropolitan archdiocese. The head of a diocese is its bishop. All the bishops together constitute the Episcopate of Poland. Apart from the Catholic Church there
Economy Since the turning point of 1989, Poland has undergone great political, social and economic changes. The introduction of democratic structures, the shift from a command economy to the free market and wide-ranging systemic reforms are all achievements which enable the country to develop its economy. After a short period of recession and stagnation the crisis has been overcome. Although the inflation rate is still high, there are more and more investments
IMPREZY SPORTOWE I’m looking forward to the next Olympic Games. I always watch them as in my opinion they are the most important sporting event. I prefer the Summer Olympics to the Winter ones because I have more time during holidays to watch all of the competitions. The moment of lighting the Olympic flame is always moving as well as the speeches from members of the International Olympic Committee. Some
I would like to be a banker in the future. I know it may be a boring job but it has many advantages. First of all, you receive a high salary, steady income and bonuses if you are a good employee. Some bankers enjoy such perks as a mobile phone or a company car. You also have both social and health insurance and a good pension scheme so you can feel secure about your future. There are a lot
During your matura exam you may be expected to cope with tasks connected with travel, means of transport, etc. You can for example deal with a text concerning different ways of travelling or be asked to describe your favourite places, special places you visited, etc. Below you will find vocabulary connected with travel. travel – podróż, podróżować journey – podróż Słowo journey oznacza „podróż”, „wyjazd”, „wyprawę”, np. Our journey to the United
Environment pollution One of the greatest problems of the contemporary world is the pollution of the environment. Cars and factories emit gases which contaminate the atmosphere. It leads to depletion of the ozone layer, acid rain and global warming. Water is also heavily polluted because of tanker leaks, oil spills and the dumping of sewage directly into rivers and seas. Deforestation and the use of fertilizers cause soil erosion, the