Słownictwo do matury


INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS – STOSUNKI MIĘDZYNARODOWE tense relations – napięte stosunki diplomatic – dyplomatyczne to break off – zerwać to revive – odnowić to reduce tension – redukować napięcia to negotiate – negocjować, pertraktować summit (meeting) – spotkanie na szczycie to reach compromise – osiągnąć kompromis to reconcile – dojść do pojednania to sign a treaty – podpisać układ diplomacy – dyplomacja diplomatic protocol – protokół dyplomatyczny European Union (EU) – Unia

WELFARE – opieka społeczna

WELFARE – opieka społeczna Poverty A lot of people in Poland live in poverty. If they have right to welfare, they turn to the Department of Social Security. They receive a benefit but it is often too low for them to get by so they often fall into debts. Hopefully, there are a lot of charity organizations which offer financial and material support for people in need. Poverty – ubóstwo to live


RELIGION & DENOMINATIONS There are more than one hundred registered churches and religious associations in Poland. The biggest numbers belong to the Catholic Church, approximately 95% of the religious segment of Polish society. There are now 40 dioceses and 13 Latin metropolitan archdioceses, and one Byzantine-Ukrainian metropolitan archdiocese. The head of a diocese is its bishop. All the bishops together constitute the Episcopate of Poland. Apart from the Catholic Church there


Economy Since the turning point of 1989, Poland has undergone great political, social and economic changes. The introduction of democratic structures, the shift from a command economy to the free market and wide-ranging systemic reforms are all achievements which enable the country to develop its economy. After a short period of recession and stagnation the crisis has been overcome. Although the inflation rate is still high, there are more and more investments

The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games You don’t have to be a great fan of sport to be excited before every Olympic Games. We all wait for this event, keeping our fingers crossed (trzymając kciuki) for the sportsmen from our country. The original Olympic Games began in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece, and was celebrated until AD 393. Evangelos Zappas sponsored the first modern international Olympic Games in 1859. And that is how it

SPORT – zadanie maturalne

Zadanie maturalne Przeczytaj tekst, a następnie wybierz właściwą odpowiedź do każdej z luk, zaznaczając ją kółkiem: 1)    a) making b) made c) breaking d) broke 2)    a) who b) which c) where d) when 3)    a) audience b) performers c) opponents d) spectators 4)    a) way b) hand c) direction d) method 5)    a) generous b) traditional c) tremendous d) deep 6)    a) eaters b) people c) roots d) hoppers


IMPREZY SPORTOWE I’m looking forward to the next Olympic Games. I always watch them as in my opinion they are the most important sporting event. I prefer the Summer Olympics to the Winter ones because I have more time during holidays to watch all of the competitions. The moment of lighting the Olympic flame is always moving as well as the speeches from members of the International Olympic Committee. Some


I would like to be a banker in the future. I know it may be a boring job but it has many advantages. First of all, you receive a high salary, steady income and bonuses if you are a good employee. Some bankers enjoy such perks as a mobile phone or a company car. You also have both social and health insurance and a good pension scheme so you can feel secure about your future. There are a lot

TEMAT: PRACA – zadanie maturalne

Zadanie maturalne Przeczytaj tekst, a następnie odpowiedz na pięć pytań, wpisując właściwą literę odpowiadającą imieniu osoby w kratkę obok pytania.   WHAT IS YOUR DREAM JOB? Although they have never been in real situation of job search yet and their first priority is probably still focused more on passing final exams at secondary school with flying colours than finding an outstanding position just after the very last exam in their

Temat: życie rodzinne i towarzyskie (Families at war)

Temat: życie rodzinne i towarzyskie Zadanie maturalne Przeczytaj poniższy tekst. Na podstawie zawartych w nim informacji zadecyduj, które zdania podane w tabeli są zgodne z treścią tekstu (T), a które nie (F). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli. Families at war Divorce is indiscriminate. It can affect anyone, at any time, breaking up what seem to be the happiest, most secure of marriages, creating havoc in the lives of

CZŁOWIEK – Zadanie maturalne

Temat: człowiek Zadanie maturalne Przeczytaj uważnie artykuł, z którego usunięto 5 zdań. Zdania te wraz z jednym, dodatkowym zdaniem, które nie pasuje do żadnej luki, oznaczono literami A–F. Dobierz zdania tak, aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. W każde puste miejsce wstaw literę odpowiadającą wybranemu zdaniu. Are you able to deal with stress? You must have heard as arbitrary as erroneous opinions about so-called “good stress” that, according to many

Family gathering – how to survive? – zadanie maturalne

Temat: życie rodzinne i towarzyskie Zadanie maturalne Przeczytaj tekst, a następnie wybierz właściwą odpowiedź do każdej z luk, zaznaczając ją kółkiem. Family gathering – how to survive? 1) a) improve b) better c) invent d) imagine 2) a) immemorial b) forgettable c) forgetful d) memorable 3) a) pass b) fail c) take d) make 4) a) best b) good c) better d) gooder 5) a) location b) habitat c) house d) surrounding 6) a) made b) asked c) were d) might 7) a) attract

TEMAT CZŁOWIEK – jakim typem człowieka jesteś?

Temat: człowiek Odkryj, jakim typem człowieka jesteś i dowiedz się co nieco o… okresach warunkowych! Niezbędna wiedza, aby dobrze zdać maturę! 1) If you could spend a weekend of your dreams, what would you do? a) I would learn English – never too much education. ¤ b) I would sleep all day, of course! Y c) I would go to a concert or to a veeery big party! u d) Surely, I`d meet with my

HOUSE – słownictwo do matury

HOUSE – słownictwo do matury During your matura exam you are likely to deal with texts connected with home. A variety of possible tasks comprises: describing a house depicted in a picture or comparing two different houses and discussing e.g. various lifestyles; filling a questionnaire connected with accomodation abroad; dealing with texts about houses, buildings, architecture; dicussing issues connected with types of accomodation, living in a certain place (a big


During your matura exam you may be expected to cope with tasks connected with travel, means of transport, etc. You can for example deal with a text concerning different ways of travelling or be asked to describe your favourite places, special places you visited, etc. Below you will find vocabulary connected with travel. travel – podróż, podróżować journey – podróż Słowo journey oznacza „podróż”, „wyjazd”, „wyprawę”, np. Our journey to the United

Environment pollution – zanieczyszczenie środowiska

 Environment pollution One of the greatest problems of the contemporary world is the pollution of the environment. Cars and factories emit gases which contaminate the atmosphere. It leads to depletion of the ozone layer, acid rain and global warming. Water is also heavily polluted because of tanker leaks, oil spills and the dumping of sewage directly into rivers and seas. Deforestation and the use of fertilizers cause soil erosion, the


During your matura exam you may be expected to cope with tasks connected with family and social relationships. You can for example deal with a text concerning the changing role of the family, traditional and modern families, discuss problems such as family relationships, etc. Family – rodzina, rodzinny family – rodzina be in the family way – (pot.) być w ciąży family likeness – podobieństwo rodzinne family man – domator, człowiek żonaty


During your matura exam you can be asked to describ a visit to a restaurant or to talk about traditional Polish or English food. Below you will find vocabulary connected with food and drink, ways of cooking, ways of eating, etc. Vegetables – warzywa onion – cebula spring onion – szczypiorek carrot – marchewka potato – ziemniak bean – fasola green beans – zielona fasolka peas – groszek cabbage – kapusta courgette

AUTHORITY – władza

authority –  władza political system – ustrój democracy – demokracja dictatorship – dyktatura monarchy – monarchia oligarchy – oligarchia republic – republika socialistic – socjalistyczny communistic – komunistyczny communism – komunizm capitalistic – kapitalistyczny totalitarian – totalitarny totalitarianism – totalitaryzm anarchy – anarchia empire – cesarstwo national authority – władze państwowe Head of State – głowa państwa president – prezydent government – rząd to rule – rządzić legislative authority –

Third World

The term Third World is not universally accepted. Some prefer other terms such as Global South, the South, ­non-industrialized countries, developing countries, underdeveloped countries, undeveloped countries, mal-developed countries, emerging nations. The term „Third World” is the one most widely used in the media today, but no term can describe all less-developed countries accurately. The First, the Second, and the Third World When people talk about the poorest countries of the