Słownictwo do matury

Eat Right for Your Type

Do you know your blood type? If you do, you might want to learn what kinds of food are best for you – and which you should avoid. The table on the left shows the frequency of blood types.                    0        A       B       AB Global     62%   21%   16%   1% Europe   45%   42%   10%   3% Type 0 – DOMINANT HUNTER Your ancestors were cavemen and hunters who ate a lot of

How do signs influence your weight and what you eat?

How do signs influence your weight and what you eat? Read and check! ARIES (BARAN) You love original, exotic dishes, especially these which are spicy. You simply love garlic, onion and bananas. Your choice will be often a Chinese restaurant, or you might opt for sushi in a sushi bar. Often it is difficult for you to lose weight. You should definitely avoid sweets and read the menus carefully. TAURUS (BYK) Sometimes

What feng-shui tells you about your room? (Quiz)

Do this quiz with a piece of paper. Draw the following grid (siatka). This is your room. The entrance is in G, H or I. Probably your room is not really square, but do not worry: you just divide your room roughly (z grubsza) into sections. Then draw a plan into your sections (bird’s eye view) of the furniture and object that you have in your room. When you’ve done,

Pokoje w domu – jakie mogą być?

Party in the living room It was my birthday last week and my mum let me throw a party at home. Our living room is quite big so I could invite a lot of people. I have good hi-fi equipment. I put some cushions on the floor because six chairs, two armchairs and a sofa wouldn’t be enough for such a crowd. We danced a lot and had a great time. Children’s room – I can relax there! When I’m

What is your room like?

What is your room like? Read and check! ARIES (BARAN) There are two things important for you: your room must be both original and functional. You have simple furniture, no carpets on the floor. You have simple colours in your room – mostly black and white. There is always some interesting element in your room: for example a huge, red poster on the wall, or a beautiful, modern CD-player. TAURUS

Around the UK

England is only a part of the United Kingdom and you mustn’t forget that! English language, teatime (czas na herbatę/podwieczorek) and London with its typical tourist attractions: Big Ben, Trafalgar Square and the double-decker buses (autobusy piętrusy). These are the first things that spring to mind when you talk about England. But ”hello”! England is only a part of the United Kingdom and you mustn’t forget that! The UK, or just Britain

The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games You don’t have to be a great fan of sport to be excited before every Olympic Games. We all wait for this event, keeping our fingers crossed (trzymając kciuki) for the sportsmen from our country. The original Olympic Games began in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece, and was celebrated until AD 393. Evangelos Zappas sponsored the first modern international Olympic Games in 1859. And that is how it

What is your attitude to fashion? (psychotest)

What is your attitude to fashion? Everyone of us thinks about what we wear. Answer the questions below and find out what fashion means to you. 1. You moved to a new place and tomorrow’s your first day at a new school. A. You wear the most shocking clothes you have. B. You wear something you think you look good in. C. You try to get something that kids in the area wear.

The age of junk food

Zadanie Wstaw wycięte zdania tak, aby cały tekst miał sens. You can also find many chemicals in this kind of food …you’ve eaten fast food, you throw away the packaging  …forest have been cut down to create soya farms… …everything can be genetically modified… …many people love going to fast food restaurants… You can buy a fresh tomato in Paris that came from Cyprus…   The age of junk food We

I’ve hitchhiked all over the world!

Temat: podróżowanie i turystyka Zadanie maturalne Przeczytaj uważnie powyższy artykuł, z którego usunięto pięć zdań. Zdania te wraz z jednym, dodatkowym zdaniem, które nie pasuje do żadnej luki, oznaczono literami A–F. Dobierz zdania tak, aby otrzymać spójny i logiczny tekst. W każde puste miejsce wstaw literę odpowiadającą wybranemu zdaniu. I’ve hitchhiked all over the world! Although hitchhiking seems to have lost some popularity in recent years, sometimes this is the


Have you ever heard of a very discipline called orienteering? It’s a running sport that involves (zawiera) navigation with a map and compass… The most important thing during such a run is to get to your destination safely (bezpiecznie dotrzeć do celu). That’s why you have to train in four basic skills (cztery podstawowe umiejętności): 1. Reading a map (czytanie mapy) First of all you have to make sure (upewnić

Where to go with a teenager

Where to go with a teenager Some parents don’t know how to organise holidays to make their children happy. Especially, when they have teenagers at home! What do teenagers like doing? Where would they have a good time? Some parents asked questions to the Junior High School students. What were their answers? Question 1 I would like to prepare a surprise trip for my daughter. We don’t have much time

Where to go with a teenager?

Some parents don’t know how to organise holidays to make their children happy. Especially, when they have teenagers at home! What do teenagers like doing? Where would they have a good time? Some parents asked questions to the Junior High School students. What were their answers? Question 1 I would like to prepare a surprise trip for my daughter. We don’t have much time for each other during the holidays.

Travell as you like

Travell as you like There are no holidays without travelling! It’s very important to choose the best means of transport (środek transportu) for you and your family. You should feel comfortable and safe whilst (podczas) travelling. Through the air (w powietrzu) Travelling by plane is the fastest way (najszybszy sposób) to get anywhere nowadays. It takes about 4 hours to get from Warsaw to Barcelona, and 12 hours from Barcelona

Before you go…

Before you go… You go on a camp this year. Obviously you want to have a good time. Before you go, think of some important points! Problem no 1 How to persuade (przekonać) your parents to give you more pocket money (kieszonkowe)? Tell them you need to send a lot of postcards. They don’t want your friends, grandparents to forget about them during the summer! You are going to a beautiful place and you

Dazzling, unique, modern and traditional – Just Dubai!

Temat: podróżowanie i turystyka Zadanie maturalne Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł. Na podstawie informacji zawartych w tekście zdecyduj, które zdania w tabeli są zgodne z treścią tekstu (TRUE), a które nie (FALSE). Zaznacz znakiem X odpowiednią rubrykę w tabeli.   Dazzling, unique, modern and traditional – Just Dubai! Where is the only in the world seven-star hotel situated? Where can you find one of the most beautiful carpets as well as

How do you spend your free time?

How do you spend your free time? Darek I don’t do anything special with my free time. I just listen to music and read magazines. Sometimes I go out with my friends but we never do anything special… well, we meet other friends. I believe that during my free time I should relax and rest and I can’t do any difficult or tiring activities, right. special – szczególne, wyjątkowe to

Where can a teenager go in his or her free time?

Teenagers are outgoing people. They like different things and they go to different places. Where can you spend time so as not to get bored? Parties If your friends are organizing a party, it’s perfect! You meet your friends, you can talk and have fun (dobrze się bawić). If the weather (pogoda) is nice, you can go to a festival or concert organized outside (na zewnątrz). It’s a good place

Do you care about your body and mind? (psychotest)

It is said that people are minds and bodies and that’s obvious. More often people try to keep fit but they also remember to take care of their minds. In the USA, for example, there are many clubs where you can train your body and your mind at the same time, e.g. while working out, you listen to poetry. Człowiek to umysł i ciało. Ale coraz częściej ludzie dbają tylko o


Most of us have got some favourite things we like doing. What is your hobby? Do you have a hobby? Have you got any hobbies? – My hobby is collecting old clocks. writing letters. learning English. making models areoplanes. collecting old furniture/ stamps/ coins/ match boxes. – Fishing / Watching television is my favourite pastime. – My hobby is climbing. – It is rather dangerous. – Perhaps that is why