Słownictwo do matury

Święto pracy na świecie

Labour Day is an annual holiday celebrated all over the world to celebrate the economic and social achievements of workers. Most countries celebrate Labour Day on May 1, known as May Day. In many countries people celebrate this day with parades, shows and events. In Poland, Sweden and Norway it is also celebrated on 1st May as well as in Italy where since the ’90, the trade unions organise a


• for sale – na sprzedaż • buyer – kupujący • seller – sprzedający • housing offers – oferty ­mieszkaniowe • estate agency – agencja nieruchomości • agent – agent, przedstawiciel • commission – prowizja • survey – ekspertyza, opinia biegłego • mortgage – hipoteka, kredyt • loan – pożyczka • notary – notariusz • removal company – firma zajmująca się przeprowadzkami • to move into a new flat – wprowadzić

How can you protect the environment?

How can you protect the environment? (Jak można chronić środowisko?) People haven’t been taking care of the Planet. There are more and more problems with the weather, climate, the air we breathe… Scientists say that in 50 years, 60 % of animals species will die out! We will all have to live in a dirty, polluted world with no clean water! Can a teenager do anything to prevent this disaster?


Cechy charakteru virtues – zalety ambitious – ambitny honest – uczciwy reliable – godny zaufania loyal – lojalny faithful – wierny truthful – prawdomówny blunt – szczery candid – otwarty, bezpośredni strong-willed – obdarzony silną wolą self-assured – pewny siebie self-confident – ufny we własne siły competitive – skory do rywalizacji, zacięty obedient – posłuszny modest – skromny patient – cierpliwy wise – mądry sensible – rozsądny reasonable – rozsądny


We decided to spend four days in Edinburgh. It is a big city so before we went sightseeing we visited a tourist infor­mation office. It was a good decision as the girl who worked there was really helpful. She gave us a city map, some brochures and catalogues. She advised us what is worth seeing and visiting in Edin­burgh. She re­com­men­ded some hotels and restaurants. She also offered to find a guide for us but we

Health horoscope

Are there any dangers waiting for you? What do you have to pay attention to, to stay healthy? Read your horoscope and you will find out what your delicate points are. Aries Forget about eating ice-cream even if the sun is shining! You may have serious problems with a sore throat (ból gardła). Avoid cold drinks as well. If you feel any pain in your throat, try a simple hot

HEALTH – zadanie maturalne

Zadanie maturalne  Przeczytaj artykuł, a następnie przy każdym pytaniu wybierz właściwą – zgodną z tekstem – odpowiedź. Zaznacz jedną z czterech możliwości, zakreślając a), b), c) lub d). Take care of yourself! If you hardly ever use the Internet and do not spend long hours on-line – this text is not for you. You may feel safe as you are probably not threatened by Internet addiction. But if you have

School may be stressful

Bulling In many schools in Great Britain, students were attacked by bullies. Headmasters try to fight with this problem but it is also vary important for you to know if you, or one of your friends is bullied. What is bullying? Bulling is what other people do to you every day or just sometimes but that’s enough to make your life a misery (koszmar). Bulling includes: hitting (bicie), pinching (szczypanie),

Are you ready for a new school year? (psychotest)

For some people summer is fun but they miss their friends. During the holidays they are resting and refreshing their minds. Are you one of these people? 1. You are coming home from a camp (holidays) with a large backpack. When you arrive home, how do you feel? A. Relief! Home at last! B. It’s nice to be home but I could spend more time on holidays. C. I’m angry and terrified. Why is it all over!? 2. You

New in class

New in class (Nowy w klasie.) Have you ever been to a summer camp where you didn’t know anybody? Or a party, where you knew only one person? How to manage if you are new at school?! The story of Janek My dad got a new job so we had to move. It was February and I was in the second grade of Junior High School. I had to start a new term in a new school, with

What school do you prefer: American, French or Polish one?

What school do you prefer: American, French or Polish one?   School in Sweden Studying in any kind school is for free. Parents and children don’t have to pay for books, meals at school, school bus or a school doctor. Nauka w każdym rodzaju szkoły jest za darmo. Rodzice i uczniowie nie muszą płacić za książki, posiłki w szkole, autobus szkolny czy za szkolnego lekarza. In every school there’s a headmaster. This person makes decisions

School (psychotest)

1. When a school year starts, all you think about is: a) New problems, a lot of learning, etc, b) If anything really interesting is going to happen, new friend or a teacher, c) Holidays! I’m going to miss them! (Kiedy zaczyna się rok szkolny, wszystko o czym myślisz to: a) Nowe problemy, dużo nauki, itd. b) Czy zdarzy się coś interesującego, nowy kolega czy nauczyciel. c) Wakacje! Będę za nimi tęsknić!) 2. Where

Christmas time

Oto kilka przydatnych słówek związanych ze świętami: I wish you a marry Christmas and a happy New Year – najbardziej popularne życzenia świąteczne Christmas cards – pocztówki świąteczne, Christmas tree – choinka, mistletoe – jemioła, holly – ostrokrzew, gifts – prezenty, Christmas turkey – świąteczny indyk (w krajach anglosaskich jest to tradycyjna potrawa świąteczna), carols – kolędy Świąteczne dni: Christmas Eve – Wigilia Bożego Narodzenia, Christmas Day – 25 grudnia,

HOBBY That annoy our parents

Conflicts with parents are not the nicest thing but they happen. The age gap doesn’t let them understand many things that teenagers do nowadays. Try to excuse your parents sometimes, even if you don’t agree with them. Imagine you listen to music all day long. You love it! Unfortunately, your parents don’t like it. They are angry every time it’s too loud and they believe you can’t study when the

Temat: podróżowanie i turystyka

Temat: podróżowanie i turystyka What was the most beautiful place in the world you have visited? Alice, 16, Warsaw: Last year I visited the Greek Isles. All of them were beautiful, but I loved Thassos  most. It’s got everything Greece is famous for: wonderful people, fascinating remote mountain slopes, unique natural beauty of silver olive trees that surround extensive beaches with golden sand as well as immense azure of the

The Natural Environment

During your matura exam, you may be required to complete a task connected with the natural environment. For example, you can be asked to give answers to questions concerning a text related to the natural environment, state your opinion on an environmental issue, etc. Below you will find vocabulary necessary to talk or write about this topic.  Weather and climate weather – pogoda, warunki atmosferyczne weather chart – mapa synoptyczna


COSMOS I’ve always been interested in astronomy. At the age of six I could find in the night sky not only The Great Bear, Polaris and The Plough but also Cassiopeia and Venus. Then, I started reading books about the universe and I wanted to know everything about our solar system. I observed the shooting stars, the phases of the moon and I even went abroad to see the eclipse. I’d like to be an

Świat przyrody – zadanie maturalne

Świat przyrody Zadanie maturalne Przeczytaj poniższe wypowiedzi osób (A-D). Następnie odpowiedz na pytania pod tekstem (1-5), wpisując odpowiednie litery umieszczone obok każdego pytania. A. Janice First of all, we should concentrate on preventing destruction of the habitat. I think we should give more financial support to poorer countries where people are destroying habitats. When the animals lose their habitats, they become extinct. In addition, we could concentrate on planting more


THE LANDSCAPE When I’m tired of the noise of the big city I go to the mountains. I hire a room in a chalet which is situated at the end of a picturesque valley. I have a wonderful view of mountain peaks covered with snow. They belong to a large mountain range in the South of the country. There are no cars; I can only hear a few tourists and the low sound of streams and waterfalls. I’d like to

THE WEATHER – pogoda

CLIMATE Europe is a continent with a wide variety of climates. It’s hot and dry in Spain, Italy, Greece and the south of France, whereas in the north it’s very cold. Great Britain has a temperate climate, with mild winters, humid springs and warm summers. Climate – klimat warm – ciepły cold – zimny mild – łagodny humid – wilgotny dry – suchy temperate – umiarkowany   WEATHER Cold weather The weather in September