Kingdom of Norway

Many of us think that Norway is cold, snowy and polar bears walk in the streets… Well, the truth is that Norway is situated so far north in Europe that winters are very cold, but in the summer temperatures often rise (rosną) above 25 degrees Celsius (stopni Celsjusza). Do not expect to see polar bears wandering (spacerujące) around Oslo! They live on the island of Spitsbergen, which is located much

Around Finland

Finland is definitely (zdecydowanie) one of the most visited (odwiedzany) countries in the world. Helsinki (the capital of Finland) as well as the other parts of the country are visited by thousands of thrilled (zachwyceni) tourists. You think that in Finland there is only snow? Well, there are 200 000 reindeers (renifery) but also 187,888 lakes and 179,584 islands. You can visit the biggest snow castle in the world there, the

Write a letter to Santa Claus

Write a letter to Santa Claus Napisz list do Świętego Mikołaja Dear Santa Claus, My name is Piotrek. I am a boy and I am already 12 years old. I live in a great village called Baniocha, which is in Poland. This year I’ve been so good that I should be the angel on the top of the tree. Santa, I would love you to bring me a computer! Of course, if you

What animal are you? Test yourself!

Test yourself! Wybierz najlepiej pasującą odpowiedź dla siebie, podlicz punkty i dowiedz się, jakim jesteś zwierzakiem. 1. Where do you spend your free time? Where I can be alone with my partner. – 0 points Where something interesting is happening. – 1 point With my closest friends. – 2 points In a place I know well. – 3 points Where I can think. – 4 points 2. What do you like to eat? Light food.

SCHOOL Your own garden thanks to natural sciences club!

Your own garden thanks to natural sciences club! Twój własny ogród dzięki klubowi przyrodniczemu! You don’t have to be bored (znudzony) during the natural sciences club meetings! Organise a garden planning course! Imagine sandwiches with your own veggies (warzywka) in the spring time, colourful flowers smelling beautifully! It is really worth (warto) having at least a small garden! Eight steps to your own garden! 1 – Learn about plants and garden! Role

Around the Netherlands

In most languages ”Holland” is used as a synonym (synonim) of “the Netherlands”. How wrong it is! Holland is a region in the Netherlands consisting of (składający się z) two provinces: North Holland and South Holland. The correct name of the country is “the Netherlands”. But don’t worry! Dutch people will not feel offended (obrażeni) if you use any of these terms. Dutch are well known as a very tolerant nation. The Dutch

An open letter – list otwarty

List otwarty jest listem podanym do publicznej wiadomości, np. pojawia się w gazecie. List taki ma na celu zwrócenie uwagi opinii publicznej na problem. Poprzez list otwary nadawca może starać się również wywrzeć nacisk na adresata. Zapamiętaj! W liście otwartym możesz używać ostrego, ale oficjalnego języka. Na początku wyjaśnij, czego dotyczy problem, przedstaw sytuację (the problem is). Wymień powody, które skłoniły cię do napisania listu I am writing to… I want to I need

Around Spain

Sunny weather, happy and friendly people, tortilla, flamenco and corrida! We are in Spain! Spain is a country full of adventure, holidays, laziness (leniuchowanie) and love. Old architecture and Spanish history mix (mieszają się) with culture and stories of particular regions. In Spain there are seventeen autonomous communities. It means that wherever you go, you meet different people, cultures and customs. Very often language that people speak is not Spanish! They

Explorer’s horoscope

Aries (March 21 – April 19) You love adventures and you hate being bored (znudzony). Unfortunately this month you will discover you can’t afford (pozwolić sobie) any adventures. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) You may see your best friend’s boyfriend/girlfriend kissing somebody else. Remember to be delicate! Virgo (August 23 – September 22) This is a very important month for you. You will understand how much your boyfriend/girlfriend means

Compass points – kierunki świata

Compass points – kierunki świata N – north – północ; in the north (na północy). S – south – południe; in the south (na południu). E – east – wschód; in the east (na wschodzie). W – west – zachód; in the west (na zachodzie). NE (north-east – północny wschód); NW (north-west – północny zachód); SE (south-east – południowy wschód); SW (south-west – południowy zachód). Zapamiętaj!  Nazwy kierunków świata zawsze

Around Italy

What is Italy famous for? Let’s see! Pasta, Pizza, fine art, great wine, the Roman Empire, the Colloseum, the Leaning Tower of Pisa (Krzywa Wieża w Pizie), ice-cream, beautiful beaches and gorgeous (wspaniałe) mountains, friendly people, handsome men and beautiful women, opera, romance, gondolas, the Venice carnival, expensive clothes and brands (marki) and gorgeous shoes! And of course food! Good chocolate, espresso, parmesan cheese, ravioli, spaghetti and many, many other things.

Seven steps for a successful theatre production!

You dream (marzysz, śnisz) of being a star or maybe you just want to have a fantastic adventure with theatre! Here are seven steps on how to be successful in your school theatre venture (przedsięwzięcie)! Step 1 Prepare a poster (plakat) inviting people to attend a meeting or set up (założyć) a theatre group in your school. Discus together what kind of spectacle you would like to produce. For example: a classic play such as “Romeo

Around the UK

England is only a part of the United Kingdom and you mustn’t forget that! English language, teatime (czas na herbatę/podwieczorek) and London with its typical tourist attractions: Big Ben, Trafalgar Square and the double-decker buses (autobusy piętrusy). These are the first things that spring to mind when you talk about England. But ”hello”! England is only a part of the United Kingdom and you mustn’t forget that! The UK, or just Britain

The Olympic Games

The Olympic Games You don’t have to be a great fan of sport to be excited before every Olympic Games. We all wait for this event, keeping our fingers crossed (trzymając kciuki) for the sportsmen from our country. The original Olympic Games began in 776 BC in Olympia, Greece, and was celebrated until AD 393. Evangelos Zappas sponsored the first modern international Olympic Games in 1859. And that is how it

About Greece

Who wouldn’t like to visit Greece?! A beautiful country of Zorba and tzatziki! Greek islands are popular amongst (wśród) tourists! Corfu, Crete, Santorini, Rhodos… and others are holiday destinations (cele wakacyjnye) for thousands of people! Greece is a very attractive place. Its history, old buildings like the Acropolis, a long list of philosophers and of course poets make the place magical. Ancient Greece is often called ”the cradle (kołyska) of Western civilization”! Greek

What is your attitude to fashion?

Everyone of us thinks about what we wear. Answer the questions below and find out what fashion means to you. Test yourself: 1. You moved to a new place and tomorrow’s your first day at a new school. A. You wear the most shocking clothes you have. B. You wear something you think you look good in. C. You try to get something that kids in the area wear. 2. You go for

Around France

Around France What’s the first thing you think of when you say France? Frogs, snails (ślimaki), the Eiffel Tower, wine and of course… fashion and art! France is one of the most famous countries in the world. Why? Their food is fantastic (sometimes strange: frog legs or snail). The language is beautiful, although (chociaż) very difficult. A romantic atmosphere is always in the air, especially in Paris, and don’t forget about

Piszemy zaproszenie i ogłoszenie!

School events Pisząc zaproszenie lub ogłoszenie o jakimś wydarzeniu, powinieneś zwrócić uwagę na te same punkty: Prosty język! – zadbaj o to, aby każdy wiedział, o co chodzi. Używaj krótkich, zachęcających do udziału haseł, np.: Come! You won’t regret! (Przyjdź! Nie będziesz żałować!); This is your chance! (To jest Twoja szansa!). Po napisaniu ogłoszenia lub zaproszenia przeczytaj je uważnie jeszcze raz i zobacz, czy przekazałeś jasno to, o co Ci chodziło.

Are you ready for a new school year?

For some people summer is fun but they miss their friends. During the holidays they are resting and refreshing their minds. Are you one of these people? 1. You are coming home from a camp (holidays) with a large backpack. When you arrive home, how do you feel? A. Relief! Home at last! B. It’s nice to be home but I could spend more time on holidays. C. I’m angry and terrified. Why is it all over!? 2. You

Home alone? Going crazy!

Your parents decided to go and visit their friends for a whole day. Or maybe they are leaving for two days! You are going to stay home alone! What are you going to do? You are going to stay on your own! It can be really fantastic. You can… can… can… You can leave dirty mugs (kubki) and plates unwashed, leave clothes on the floor and watch whatever you like on