Tag "słownictwo angielskie"


During your matura exam you may be expected to cope with tasks connected with family and social relationships. You can for example deal with a text concerning the changing role of the family, traditional and modern families, discuss problems such as family relationships, etc. Family – rodzina, rodzinny family – rodzina be in the family way – (pot.) być w ciąży family likeness – podobieństwo rodzinne family man – domator, człowiek żonaty


During your matura exam you can be asked to describ a visit to a restaurant or to talk about traditional Polish or English food. Below you will find vocabulary connected with food and drink, ways of cooking, ways of eating, etc. Vegetables – warzywa onion – cebula spring onion – szczypiorek carrot – marchewka potato – ziemniak bean – fasola green beans – zielona fasolka peas – groszek cabbage – kapusta courgette

AUTHORITY – władza

authority –  władza political system – ustrój democracy – demokracja dictatorship – dyktatura monarchy – monarchia oligarchy – oligarchia republic – republika socialistic – socjalistyczny communistic – komunistyczny communism – komunizm capitalistic – kapitalistyczny totalitarian – totalitarny totalitarianism – totalitaryzm anarchy – anarchia empire – cesarstwo national authority – władze państwowe Head of State – głowa państwa president – prezydent government – rząd to rule – rządzić legislative authority –

Culture – tematy do matury

LITERATURE Literature is an indispensable element of my life. It not only entertains me but also broadens my mind. I love it when the author mocks and denounces the dark sides of human nature. I like to contemplate the book I have read even if it is difficult to interpret. I can spend hours thinking about the feelings the author tried to communicate. It is a pity that reading is becoming less and less popular

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA – Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych

Political system – system polityczny The United States of America is a constitutional federal republic with a strong democratic tradition. There are three levels of government: federal, state and local. Officials of each of these levels are either elected via secret ballot or appointed by other elected officials. The federal government is comprised of the Legislative Branch, the Executive Branch and the Judicial Branch. These three branches were designed to apply checks


TO FALL ILL I have had some health trouble recently. My mum thought I had a cold but I had a really high temperature and I came up in a rash so we decided to call for a doctor. It turned out that I had got infected with scarlet fever. It is a very contagious disease but luckily not lethal. I have to visit my cousin in the hospital. She


Periods of life Childhood I get on with my younger brother quite well but I wish he would come up to school age. Although he is not an infant anymore, he is still a toddler who cannot play football or surf the Net. He is a two-year-old child who has to grow up to be a good company for his older brother. Adolescence The life of a teenager is not easy. Youth is wonderful but


During your matura exam you may be requested to complete tasks concerning shopping and services. Among such tasks you may find a scene to role-play, such as e.g. doing shopping. Below you will find vocabulary connected with the topic of shopping. Kinds of shops shop – sklep, także: warsztat, pracownia; robić zakupy store – sklep, magazyn antique shop – antykwariat barber’s shop – (US) zakład fryzjerski book store – księgarnia

Politics – government, political parties, parliament

During your matura exam, you may be required to complete a task connected with politics – political systems, government etc. For example, you can be asked to give answers to questions concerning a text related to political issues etc. Below you will find vocabulary necessary to talk or write about this topic. Country anthem – hymn państwowy Błędnie: The monks sung anthems while the Archbishop prayed at the High Altar. Poprawnie: The

Holiday, holidays i vacation

Błędnie: When I was on holidays in the Caucasus mountains, the mere thought of urban life was really getting me down. Poprawnie: When I was on holiday in the Caucasus mountains, the mere thought of urban life was really getting me down. W brytyjskim angielskim dla oznaczenia „urlopu”, „wakacji” używa się słowa holiday. Występuje ono zwykle w liczbie pojedynczej, np. I was on holiday. („Byłem na wakacjach”). Użycie słowa holiday w liczbie mnogiej jest


TOWN czy CITY Zarówno city, jak i town odpowiadają polskiemu słowu „miasto”. Wyraz city używany jest do określania większych miejscowości, np.: London is one of the biggest cities in Europe. (Londyn jest jednym z największych miast w Europie.) Rzeczownik town stosuje się do małych miejscowoś­ci, „mieścin”, „miasteczek”, np.: The population of Myślenice is about 20 000 but many people from this town work in Cracow. (Populacja Myślenic wynosi około dwudziestu tysięcy osób, ale wielu ludzi z tego


During your matura exam you are likely to deal with texts connected with home. A variety of possible tasks comprises: describing a house depicted in a picture or comparing two different houses and discussing e.g. various lifestyles; filling a questionnaire connected with accomodation abroad; dealing with texts about houses, buildings, architecture; dicussing issues connected with types of accomodation, living in a certain place (a big city, a town, a village, etc.).

Giving opinion about a film

During the matura exam the writing task may include writing a film review. At the oral examination you can be asked to state your opinion about a film you have seen. In both cases the following words and phrases will definitely prove useful: a cartoon (kreskówka, film animowany)– a film in which the characters are drawn. Such films are usually amusing and made for children. a costume drama (film historyczny) – a historical film;


What is your favourite sport? Anne, Switzerland Actually, I am not very fit. I think I am a typical couch potato (laugh). I love watching sports on TV: ice-skating, swimming, parkour. In parkour the participant`s task is to pass the obstacles on his way. The winner is not just the person who is the first but also the one who has passed the obstacles in the most elegant way. It


During your matura exam you may be expected to cope with tasks connected with school, ways of learning, teachers, your favourite subjects, etc. You can for example deal with a text concerning the role of education or learning strategies. Below you will find vocabulary connected with school and education. People at school class – klasa classmate – kolega z klasy deputy head – zastępca dyrektoraheadmaster/ headmistress/ head teacher – dyrektor/ dyrektorka


compulsory schooling – obowiązek szkolny to attend school  – uczęszczać do szkoły syllabus – program zajęć certificate – świadectwo school-leaving certificate – świadectwo ukończenia szkoły expel somebody from school – wyrzucić kogoś ze szkoły My best friend is going to be expelled from school. He’s an extremely lazy person. He didn’t write even one composition during the last term and he hardly ever did his homework. I offered to revise with


correspondence courses – kursy ko­res­pon­dencyjne ballet school – szkoła baletowa additional classes – zajęcia dodatkowe optional classes – zajęcia fakultatywne private lessons – korepetycje debating club – klub dyskusyjny drama group – kółko dramatyczne amateur theatre – teatr amatorski pottery – ceramika language course – kurs językowy language school – szkoła językowa football/ rugby/ basketball etc. practice – zajęcia sportowe choir practice – chór My parents want me to attend


school organization – organizacja szkoły registration/ enrolment – wpis do szkoły school year – rok szkolny lesson – lekcja break – przerwa lunch break – przerwa obiadowa register – dziennik classroom – klasa (sala lekcyjna) grade (US) – klasa (grupa osób) year (GB) – klasa (grupa osób) semester/ term – semestr schedule/ timetable – plan lekcji school regulations – regulamin school life – życie szkoły absence – nieobecność to miss


university – uniwersytet technical university – politechnika business school – szkoła biznesu medical school – akademia medyczna day studies – studia dzienne extra-mural studies – studia zaoczne evening studies – studia wieczorowe a first degree/ undergraduate studies – studia licencjackie graduate studies – studia magisterskie postgraduate studies – studia podyplomowe i doktoranckie to be admitted to university – zostać przyjętym na studia academic year – rok akademicki lecture – wykład to


school report – wyniki w nauce za dany semestr to repeat a year/ a class – powtarzać klasę test – klasówka pop quiz/ short test – kartkówka composition/ essay – wypracowanie paper – referat to hand in sth – wręczyć homework – praca domowa to revise – powtarzać materiał promotion – promocja do następnej klasy prize – nagroda to be promoted – dostać promocję expulsion from school – wydalenie ze szkoły to be