Posts From Zbyszek

Summer camps

Summer camps Letnie obozy Read stories of four teenagers going to the different summer camps and check which camp would be the best for you! A language camp My name is Marlena. This year I’m going to a language camp. I go there every year. I’m 16 so only two more years left! There I met most of my present friends. I study two languages at school: English and German.

Where are you going for your holidays?

Julia I spend holidays only with my family. In July my mum, dad, my two brothers and I normally go to the mountains or to the seaside. It would be OK but my dad never goes to the beach or climbs mountains. He has to show us as many museums as possible. So finally I feel as if I was on a school trip. You’re happy, there’s no school but you’re not free at

Wakacyjne pytania

Ask a question – zadaj pytanie Jedziesz na wakacje za granicę i wiesz, że czasami będziesz musiał zapytać o drogę, sklep lub godzinę. W języku angielskim, aby zadać pytanie, musisz przestrzegać zasad gramatycznych. Oczywiście, jeżeli chcesz o coś zapytać i użyjesz zdania twierdzącego, prawdopodobnie zostaniesz zrozumiany. Może to jednak spowodować, że Twój rozmówca nie zrozumie Cię dobrze lub w ogóle nie będzie wiedział, o co Ci chodzi. Zdanie twierdzące Zdanie twierdzące w języku angielskim ma ściśle określoną konstrukcję: osoba

Children’s Day

Children’s Day (Dzień Dziecka) It’s so nice to get a present on, isn’t it? You are not a child anymore (although you wouldn’t mind getting gifts, do you?) so now it’s time for you to start giving presents on this special occasion! If you have a little sister and you have no idea what to buy for her, have a look at list below. These are things that for sure will make her happy!

Test yourself

How much do you know about the world around you? Do you know anything about festivals and holidays in different countries? Try to answer the questions below and check what do you know. Good luck! 1. The best known carnival is in: a. Buenos Aires. b. Rio de Janeiro. c. Quito. 2. During the Holi Festival people throw coloured powder over each other. It comes from… a. India. b. Etiopia.

Question tags – co to za pytania?

Przeczytaj dialog Mark: Hi, how are you? Do you want to go to the cinema today? There’s a new James Bond film on. Jim: Really? But you don’t like this kind of movies, do you? I remember, one time you were really angry you spent money on nothing. It was a horibble movie anyway, wasn’t it? Mark: Yes, that’s true. You like such movies, don’t you? Jim: Sure. But let’s check if there’s

Write a story in English

A little problem It was last summer. We organised a small grill party. My friends and I bought some sausages, vegetables and drinks. We knew that we couldn’t stay up late because it would be too loud for our neighbours but we were planning to have a really good time. We put a grill in one of my friend’s garden and started a party. Susie, my classmate, came with her small sister. Molly was just

Are you a good organiser?

Different things happen to people. One day you may have to prepare a big party for 100 people! Would you manage it? Would you be successful or would the whole thing be a fiasco? Answering the questions below you may check your organising skills. Good luck! 1. You are expecting guests in five minutes but you realise you have nothing to drink. a. I go to the shop. They will wait. b. I wait

Spring time = joytime

We all know that springtime is something special. Everything is brought to life. Flowers bloom, the world is becoming green, the temperature rises, new ideas are born. More sunlight makes us happier… *** If you have a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you can easily surprise him or her with ‘springtricks’. Don’t worry if you are single! There is somebody you like for sure. You can try to get to his/her

Meeting people for the first time

It is really nice to have a lot of friends! And if you want to have friends, you have to meet them first! In different countries there are different rules when you meet new people. In European countries you won’t offend anybody if you behave like you do in Poland but you have to remember that in some countries people behave a bit different. In Britain, for example, people sometime shake their

Your best future

Have you ever thought about your future? I’m sure, you have. You may have thousands of ideas for your future job but if you’re not sure about your choice or if you still don’t know what to do, answer the questions below and check what your perfect job is. Good luck 1. You have some homework to do for next week. When do you do it? a. Straight away. b.

My parents are divorced!

If your parents are not divorced and they live happily together, you are lucky. Unfortunately, many couples get divorced. A divorce may destroy your whole life. Read the sad story of Magda and her mum. Magda, 17 When my parents divorced, I was only five years old. Actually I don’t remember my dad. He never called or sent me a birthday card. I know that before the divorce we used to spend a lot of time


You want to make a party because you want to celebrate your birthday. Answer the questions below and find out what is the best birthday celebration for you. Birthday! It’s one of the most desirable days of the year. Everybody treats you as if you were a king or queen. You get presents and you are all so happy! And this year. Do you have any idea how to celebrate your birthday?

What kind of sportsman are you?

Do you do any sport? Well, you should and physical education at school is not enough! But don’t exaggerate either! Some of us think the more sport they do the healthier they are. Unfortunately, sometimes we forget that too much is not very good. Find out if you are a lazy type or maybe you’re obsessed about sport. Test for you! 1. Physical education is not an important subject at

Porównanie czasów the Future Simple i the Future Continuous

Obu tych czasów użyjesz, gdy mówisz o przyszłości. Pamiętaj jednak, że użycie ich jest określone ścisłymi regułami! Przeczytaj dialog! Martha: Hi Jim. How are you doing? What did you buy for Emily? Jim: Hi, I’m OK. Emily…? Why should I buy her a present? Martha: Don’t tell me you forgot. It’s her birthday tomorrow! Jim: No way! Of course I will buy something! Martha: And how about the party? Will

Wow! What a party!

Sooner or later everyone of us wants to give a party. It’s fun but sometimes something may go wrong. What to do, how to organise the whole event to avoid problems before, during and after the party? Seven steps to a perfect party Step 1 Convince (przekonaj) your parents! Make a promise that everything will be all right. But remember: keep the promises otherwise it will be your last party

Christmas time

Will you promise something this year? Christmas and New Year’s Eve are coming! It is the best time to make promises. What are the things that young people promise to themselves and to other people? And why is it so difficult to keep our promises? I will go on a diet (mainly girls and not only during Christmas). I won’t make my parents angry (but then we discover that they make us angry

Drugs? It`s a serious problem!

Marcie wydawało się, że branie narkotyków to lekarstwo na jej ogromny smutek po zerwaniu z chłopakiem. Wplątała się w kłopoty, miała problemy ze zdrowiem. Dziś wie, że popełniła największy błąd swojego życia – spróbowała, jak smakują… My story I broke up with my boyfriend just before the holidays. I was so sad and none of my friends seemed to care. My mum kept on saying: There’ll be another one. I was so tired

Some and any

SOME (trochę) i ANY (trochę) używamy przed rzeczownikami w liczbie mnogiej lub rzeczownikami niepoliczalnymi. In the kitchen there is a box and there should be some cornflakes but I think we don’t have any milk. (W kuchni jest pudełko i tam powinno być trochę płatków kukurydzianych, ale myślę, że nie mamy – żadnego, ani trochę – mleka). SOME i ANY możemy także użyć bez rzeczownika, np.: I need some flour. Do we have any? (Potrzebuję trochę

Some most common diseases

About diseases THE COMMON COLD The cold is the most common infectious disease. It is caused by a virus transmitted with saliva – when someone coughs or sneezes, little droplets with the virus are spreading in the air. That is why we say ”you catch a cold”. The most common symptoms include sneezing, sniffling, running nose, scratchy or sore throat, headache, tiredness. Also fever, but not very high. You can also develop