Posts From Zbyszek

Want some fun?

It’s all in the tongue… You have probably no doubts that you learn English. But have you ever asked this question: What kind of English are you taught? If you have, you might have reached a conclusion that it is British English or American English. Standard English, probably. More often British English than American English. Learning the standard, you should not forget about other varieties of English existing in different English-speaking

Can you safe money?

Can you safe money …or maybe you spend everything to the last penny and then you regret being so stupid? 1. It’s your best friend’s birthday… a. I buy a big, expensive present. b. I give him/ her a small gift or a card. c. I buy nothing, just say „happy birthday”. 2. It’s your birthday… a. I give a big party. b. I invite a few friends for a supper. c. I just wait for somebody to invite me. 3. Let’s

Your family is your strength!

Everyone of us has a family. That’s obvious! Some families are smaller and some are bigger. In many countries a typical family is two or three children. Many people have only one child but in Ireland, for example, it’s very difficult to find an only-child family. It’s common there to have five, seven or even nine children. So the Irish have many brothers and sisters and even more cousins. Imagine a Christmas party

Find out what may happen at school! HOROSCOPE

Aries Don’t be stupid! You can’t get through your problems with maths without learning. Leo April is going to be a very difficult month for you but you’ll be lucky in June. Sagittarius Be careful because in January you may do something stupid outside the school and a teacher may see you. Taurus Be friendlier to your arts teacher. He’s the one who rules. Virgo Most of the subjects will

Are you a loner?

I’m sure you like fun but what do you prefer? Spending time with other people or maybe you prefer your own company? Check it out! 1. My birthday I celebrate… ♥ on my own. ♠ with my best friend. ♦ with few friends. ♣ on my party. 2. My perfect holiday place is… ♥ just far away from people. ♠ in the countryside with my family. ♦ camp site with my

Where do you live?

For many people it isn’t important if they live in a city or in the countryside. People can be happy everywhere. And what about you? Where are you happy? Do you like place you live in? Marek, 16 All my family lives in a big city. I’ve lived here all my life and there’s always something to do. Cinemas, shops, sport centres… You don’t have these things in the countryside or a small

Jak mówić o przyszłości

W języku angielskim jest wiele sposobów na mówienie o przyszłości. Pamiętaj jednak, że w zależności od tego, jakiej formy gramatycznej użyjesz, Twoja wypowiedź może mieć różne znaczenia. 1. Użycie konstrukcji to be going to (dokładnie omówiliśmy ten temat w Victorze 16.) Przypominamy: to be going to użyjesz, kiedy mówisz o tym, co planujesz zrobić lub przewidujesz, że coś się wydarzy, i masz na to dowody, np. We are going to open this can. (Mamy zamiar/

Shopping, shopping…

When you go abroad, you want to do some shopping, don’t you? There are some things you have to know before you set off! First of all, you have to be aware that in countries where it’s very hot, most of the shops have siesta. In Spain and in Greece, for example, all the shops are closed from 2 pm till 5 pm. Drinks and food can be only bought

You and a new school year.

You can’t forget about the holidays? You don’t feel like going back to school or maybe you are finally happy because you can start showing you’re the best? If you want to know what a new school year has in store for you, answer the questions below and read the description. 1. You want to look great at the New Year’s Eve party. What do you do? a. Nothing. It’s

Find out what your summer is going to be like! Summer horoscope.

We always wait for the summer and we always expect it to be fabulous, don’t we? Look through the summer horoscope and find out what your summer is going to be like! Aries – Baran Adventure: You will meet somebody very special and probably you will fall in love. Forever! You’ll be happy… at a seaside resort in your country or abroad. You’d better avoid… mountains because you’ll get tired very

Do you make friends easily?

Do you make friends easily? Czy łatwo się zaprzyjaźniasz? Holidays are wonderful! You don’t have any problems with your homework and all you could worry about is packing your suitcase. And we all know that holidays are the best time to meet new people! The test below will help you to find out what kind of person you are. Good luck! Wakacje są wspaniałe! Nie masz żadnych problemów z pracą domową

Użycie as i like

Czasownik like oznacza lubić. Słowa tego używamy również, jeżeli coś porównujemy. Pamiętaj jednak o zasadach użycia like w takim przypadku! PORÓWNANIA Przy porównaniu dwóch rzeczy możesz użyć zarówno słówka as, jak i like. Musisz pamiętać jednak, że znaczenie zdania, w zależności od tego, którego z tych dwóch słów użyjesz, zmienia się. I tak: LIKE używamy, gdy porównujemy jedną rzecz do drugiej, szukamy podobieństw, np.: She looks beautiful! She is like a princess. Ona wygląda pięknie. Jest JAK

Be fruity!

Be fruity! Bądź owocowy! Choose your favourite fruit! Then check who you are and what you should do for a living… Wybierz swój ulubiony owoc! Później sprawdź, jaki jesteś i jak powinieneś zarabiać na życie… APPLE Character: You are tough and you never show your feelings but if you let yourself be sensitive once, you’ll be sensitive forever. Job: You will make a career as a skyscraper window cleaner or a pilot but don’t be

Does money rule your life?

Does money rule your life? Czy pieniądze rządzą Twoim życiem? Do you want to be rich? I’m sure you do! Everybody does. But do you really care about money? Or maybe you really have an obsession about cash?! Answer the questions and find out how money affects your life and if you can do anything about that. Good luck! Czy chcesz być bogaty? Na pewno tak! Każdy chce. Ale czy

Do you go crazy about somebody easily?

Do you go crazy about somebody easily? Czy łatwo tracisz dla kogoś głowę? 1. You arrive at a party and there are many people that you don’t know at all. What do you think of them? a. They are all really strange and they don’t seem to like me. b. I don’t really care as long as they don’t bother me. c. They are fantastic and I’m happy to be there with

REPORTED SPEECH – mowa zależna

Spójrz na przykład: Tom said: „I’m going to the cinema”. Tom said that he was going to the cinema. Kiedy używamy mowy zależnej? Mowy zależnej (po angielsku: Reported Speech) używamy, gdy mówimy o przeszłości. Jeżeli przytaczasz cytat, nie zmieniasz żadnego słowa – to jest oczywiste. Jednak kiedy chcesz użyć własnych słów, musisz pamiętać o pewnych zasadach. Bardzo ważne: zmiana czasu Gdy zamieniasz cytat na zdanie w mowie zależnej, pamiętaj o zasadzie jeden czas do

Let the dice foretell your future!

Let the dice foretell your future! Pozwól kościom przepowiedzieć Twoją przyszłość! * dice – kostki do gry, liczba pojedyncza: die – kostka do gry For ages people have trusted in dice. It is said they are fortune tellers as well as bringing good luck amulets. Od wieków ludzie ufają kościom. Mówi się, że są zarówno „przepowiadaczami” przyszłości, jak i amuletami przynoszącymi szczęście. Foretelling with dice! Przepowiadanie przyszłości za pomocą kości! Do


Na pewno zetknąłeś się już z takimi zdaniami jak: It is said that we are rich. (Mówi się/ Ludzie mówią, że jesteśmy bogaci.) albo Mary and John are thought to be married. (Sądzi się/ Ludzie sądzą, że Mary i John są małżeństwem.) Zapamiętaj! Jeżeli zdanie w stronie czynnej ma konstrukcję: Podmiot (najczęściej: people, they, everybody) + czasownik (say, think, feel, expect, believe itp.) + THAT + zdanie z czasownikiem, np.: People say that Jerry

Tree’s horoscope

Tree’s horoscope Drzewny horoskop BIRCH (brzoza) 1 January – 10 February It’s a delicate, beautiful and elegant tree. Everybody likes it and it’s often invited to parties. It’s always very polite and doesn’t disturb anyone. The Birch loves nature and that’s why it’s calm. It can cope with new situations in its life very easily! When the Birch loves someone, this is a true and sincere love but without a great passion! To

Give your friendship’s egg

Give your friendship’s egg Podaruj swoje jajko przyjaźni In Germany when people visit their friends during Easter, they always bring Easter egg to show that they really care about them. If you want to give your friend this present, check out what different Easter eggs say about your friendship. Think about your best friend then pick up one of the given eggs and read the description. W Niemczech, kiedy ludzie